28写作材料 >工作计划






一 复习及导入






二 趣味练习

1.摸词回答问题。教师把本单元的新单词写在小纸片上,每张纸片写一个词。写完后放在一块儿让学生每人选一张。然后教师用教学卡片或实物做道具,每次举起一个物品或卡片,依次问学生:is this your ... ? 如果学生手中的单词与教师举起的道具一致,就回答yes, it is.不一致就回答no, it isn't.教师不断更换道具,让学生反复练习。

2.继续使用以上方法,教师的问题换成whose ... is this? 让学生检查自己手中的单词,与教师举起的道具一致的学生快速回答:it's mine, 同桌的学生接着说:it's his / hers.




m3u3 reading



一. 预习:

阅读p42-43的文章,完成c1,c2 and d1,d2,e

find out the facts and historical information about the two cities.

pompeii time event

in the 8th century

in 89 bc

on 24th aug. ad 79

in 1860

loulan years ago

from ad 200 to ad 500

100 years ago


both pompeii in ________and loulan in china became ____ ________ about 2000 years ago. pompeii was ________ in the 8th century bc and was _____ _______ by the romans in 89bc. on 24th aug.ad79, mount vesuvius _________ and the city were _______ __________. loulan was a _________ _________ on the silk road. it disappeared under the ________. there are just a few _________ left. some _________, such as coins and painted pots, was found.



1. __________________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________________




1 失落的文明_______________ 2 赢得一席之地________________

3 夺取;接管______________ 4 被活埋_________________

5 在下雨天____________ 6 变成;转向;求助于___________

7 被…覆盖______________ 8 去往某处_________________

9 和;加之_______________ 10 阻止某人做某事_____________


1. i feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.(l1)


句中的to have won a place on this trip是不定式短语作状语,表示________.

to have won是不定式的________式,表示不定式的动作或状态发生在谓语动词表示的动作或状态___________。

不定式的一般式to do表示的动作或状态发生在谓语动词表示的动作或状态___________。

bell is considered to ________________ the telephone.


she seems _____________________.


he is said __________________ next year.


2. near the city was a volcano called vesuvius.(l8)


本句是_____________.当句首为表示地点的介词短语,谓语动词是be, stand, sit, lie, come等动词时,为了保证句子平衡或使上下文衔接紧密,常使用______结构。

at the foot of the mountain stands a temple.


inside the bag ____ a cellphone.


in front of the house _______ an old man.



away they went.

here he comes.

3. unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city. (p.42)




is the fish dead or alive? 这鱼是死的,还是活的?

there aren’t many pandas alive in the world today. 目前世界上活着的熊猫数量不多。


so + 情态动词/助动词 + sb./sth 是一个倒装句型结构,表示上文中某人/物怎样,下文中的某人/物也怎样,其中情态动词、助动词和系动词在人称、数上要与下文的主语保持一致,在时态上与上文相一致。表否定时用neither或nor.

tom has been to beijing many times, and _________ my brother michael.

peter played basket yesterday afternoon, and ______ jack.

if you can do it, so ______ i. 如果你能做,我也能做。

if you go there, so ______ i. 如果你去, 我也将去。

tom has never been to beijing many times, _________ my brother michael.

peter didn’t play basket yesterday afternoon, _________ jack.

if you don’t go to the cinema tonight, nor shall i. 你今天晚上不去看电影,我也不会去。


so it is with … 和it is the same with … 既用于肯定句,也用于否定句,陈述两种(以上)的情况。

4. the city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it. (l15)


此句中的with writing on it是个with的复合结构,

即“with + 宾语+ 宾语补足语”,这一结构的宾语补足语常见的有__________________等。

with much work to do, i had to stay at home.


the thief was brought in with his hands tied behind.


he left the small island with the fire burning.


it’s impolite to talk with your mouth full.


the little boy ran along the street with nothing on.


mr smith came into the classroom with a book in his left hand.

5. it is believed by many people to have been gradually covered by sandstorms from ad200 to ad 500.(l34)


本句使用了句型主语+be believed to do / to have done,常可以转化为

it is believed that…

it is believed that the environment will become better and better.

= the environment is ___________________ better and better.

he is said to have lost his wife in the fire.

= ____________________ his wife in the fire.



1. things ____________(逐渐) improved.

2. it’s good to get back to ________(文明) after living in a tent in the remote area for two weeks.

3. it’s many years since mount vesuvius last _________(爆发).

4.___________(不幸的是), we arrived too late to catch the place.

5. i work for a __________(商业的) radio station.

6. the policeman let me off with a l_________ about speeding.

7. he was very attentive with his head b_________ in a newspaper.

8. chen kaige is one of the famous d________ in china.

9. the terrible fire d_________ most of the buildings within 20 minutes.

10. building m_________ are more and more expensive nowadays.


1 with a lot of difficult problems _______, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

a. settle b. settling c. to settle d. being settled

2 i have already seen that interesting film.____.

a. so does he b. so has he c. so he does d. so he has

3 he has been able to tell us about active volcanoes than any man _______.

a. live b. lively c. alive d. living

4 who do you think will _____ the company if the manager retired?

a. take over b. take off c. take in d. take on

5 --- is she in yancheng now?

--- i’m afraid not. she is said _____ abroad for two years.

a. to be b. to have been c. has been d. being

6 we were all happy _____ 51 gold medals in all in the 29th olympic games.

a. to win b. won c. winning d. to have won

7 nobody can _____ us _____ getting married. which of the following is wrong?

a. protect; from b. prevent; from c. forbid; / d. keep; from

8 the lady ______ herself mary was the hostess of this party.

a. called b. who was called c. calling d. was called

9 i find the _____ of buildings _____ under the sand.

a. remaining; buried b. remainders, bury c. remains; buried d. remains, burying

10 the most important thing about ancient civilizations is _____ part that they played in ____history.

a. 不填;不填 b. the; 不填 c. the; the d. a; the


time events

in the 8th century it was founded.

in 89 bc it was taken over by the romans.

on 24th aug. ad 79 volcano vesuvius erupted.

in the 18th century it was discovered.

in 1860 giuseppe fiorelli was made director of the pompeii dig.

loulan 2000 years ago it was founded

from ad 200 to ad 500 it was covered over by sandstorms.

100 years ago the swedish explorer sven hedin discovered the ruins of loulan.


italy/lost civilizations/founded/took over/erupted/buried/stopping point/sand/ruins/treasures


1 lost civilizations

2 win a place

3 took over

4 be buried alive

5 on rainy days

6 turn to

7 be covered over

8 be off to

9 together with

10 prevent…from


1 原因/完成/之前/之后

have invented / to have been a nurse / to go abroad

2 倒装句/倒装

is / sits / 倒装

3 so has / so did / will / will / neither/nor has / neither/nor did

4 to do/doing/ done/prep. phrase/adj./adv.

5 believed to become

it is said that he has lost


1 gradually

2 civilizations

3 erupted

4 unfortunately

5 commercial

6 lecture

7 buried

8 directors

9 destroyed

10 materials




microteachingleonplan name:date:11-12-2010instructor: teachingcontents:abriefintroductiontomarktwain teachingobjectives:bytheendoftheleon,studenthouldbe :lead-inskill;conclusionskill;:usetheirownwordstodescribemark :blackboard,chalk,pictures,:10minutes teachingprocedures:

teacher?steachingstudents?time activitiekillsactivities








; 1)doyoulikestudenta



2)what?? 3)whoisyour favoritewriter? ok,welearnalot frombooks, right?books bringus

happine,books areourgood friends.






learnaveryskillanswerthe famouswriterquestion ?mark youcansee,it?satwain? youknowhis name?

good,ithinkall ofyouhave previewedthe ?s begintolearn quicklyand discuthe questionsonthe blackboardwith yourpartner.




let? questionsquestion1 )firsttogether one,nationality?,american?; )andnextaskstudenta one,answer

appraisement?question2 ,writerand writerandalsoaspeaker?; )whotwoorthree haseverreadhitudents books?oh,----.answer ok,veryquestion3,they good.”themaysay,tom

adventureoftomsawyer?;twoor sawyer”.anyonethreestudents else?no?ok,mayanswer “onemillion,famousor poundpopular? bank-note”百万 英镑isalsovery



twainwrote manygood books,itakeone here,tom sawyer,youcan readitafter )last question,use somekeywords answers? ok,----famous? good.----popular? else?no?ok,we canalsoknowhe isavery

importantperson inamerican



history,we?lltalk aboutwhenwe ,now,weconclusionstudenta:”he

knowalotaboutskillandwasafamous marktwain,whoquestioningandimportant ” sentencetostudentb:”his describehim?booksarevery justinyourownpopular.” words,whowant tohaveatry?ok, ----.verygood.----?haveatry? , wecansumtheir



famousand important americanwriter andhisbooksare ,wehavea general descriptionto marktwain,next clawewill focusonhis worksand interesting everyonecan previewthetext, ok?ok,clais over,goodbye! homework:previewnexttext self-aement:







1、 巩固所学过的衣服单词

2、 巩固句型

…is wearing…


i want…/ it’s nice./ i like it, too.





2、 在学习任务中大胆开口,提高口语能力









1、 let’s chant(in unit4):socks

2、 let’s sing: my clothes


1、 认读单词卡片

2、 呈现课本p25图片,用he/ she is wearing…进行描述,让学生猜猜是哪幅图

3、 请几位同学当小老师进行描述,其他同学看p25猜

4、 描述班里同学的穿??


1、我是小小设计师:让学生帮amy 和 andy设计衣服

2、学生用he/ she is wearing…对自己设计的衣服进行描述,并选出最漂亮的衣服


















师:1、“hello hello”是谁在和小朋友打招呼啊?(mary)

2、出示红苹果what’s this?(这是什么?)苹果是什么颜色的呢?用英语怎么说?

3、出示绿橘子what’s this?那这个又是什么颜色的呢?用英语说。

4、小朋友真棒,表扬表扬自己。(very very good)



mary拿出黄香蕉,what’s this? 它是什么颜色的?黄色的英语叫“yellow”,全体幼儿看着香蕉跟着老师说“yellow”,走一圈请幼儿边摸香蕉边说“yellow”并采用变换高低请幼儿用不同音量读单词。


mary出示蓝气球,what’s this? 它的颜色是什么?蓝色叫“blue”,全体幼儿看着气球跟着老师说“blue”,教师利用吹气球的方式请幼儿根据气球大小用不同音量来读单词,然后再放气慢慢变小来读,可请配班老师帮着吹气球,老师带着幼儿读,注意停顿,并读清楚。



Ⅰ. 不定式句法功能

1. 作主语:the cat said, “to take roller coaster” is terrible.


→ the cat said, “it’s terrible to take roller coaster.”

how long did it take you to take roller coaster?

how terrible it is to take roller coaster?


a) it is + adj. (easy, important, difficult…) + 不定式

b) it is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, one’s duty, a shame) + 不定式

eg. it’s my duty to teach you how to be a student of no.3 middle school.

c) it takes/needs/requires + some time (hours, months, days, patience…) + 不定式

eg. it requires patience to be a good teacher.

2. 作表语:当句子的主语是aim, idea, policy, question, suggestion, wish, task, duty, job, purpose等或者主语是what引导的名词性从句时,后面可以用不定式做表语,用以说明主语所包含内容。

eg. our most important task now is to make a plan.


eg. the only thing we can do now is wait and see.


the cat said “remember not to take it next time!”.

a) 可以直接用不定式作宾语的动词很多,常见的有:agree, afford, tend, ask, decide, determine, expect, fail, hope, learn, intend, manage, offer, plan, promise, refuse, want, wish等

天津卷12题:i don’t want _____ like i’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair.

a. to sound b. to be sounded c. sounding d. to have sounded

当不定式短语比宾补长时,往往将不定式放到宾补后,而用先行代词it作形式宾语,常用动词有feel, think, find, believe, consider, make等。

the cat felt it terrible to take roller coaster.

b) 不定式一般不作介词的宾语,只有少数介词如but, except等后面可以跟不定式作宾语。一般情况下作介词宾语的不定式都带to,如果but或except所在句子里的谓语动词都是实义动词do, does, did时,通常省略to。

eg. we have no choice but to wait.

cf. we can do nothing but wait.

4. 宾语补足语


a) 通常作宾语补语的不定式要带to,常用于以下动词之后:ask, tell, advise, allow, enable, expect, force, get, like, order, teach, want, invite, wish, beg等

you should get them to help you.

但在谓语动词believe, find, think, feel, consider, suppose, imagine, prove等后面跟to be…作宾补,不跟to do…

eg. they believe him to be honest.

b) 以下两类动词后跟不定式作宾补时不能带to

①一些表示“致使”意义的动词,如:let, have, make等

②一些表示感觉的动词,如:hear, feel, see, watch, notice等

don’t let the children trouble you.

i heard someone open the door.


his father made him go to bed early.

→he was made to go to bed early by his father.

5. 作定语



①能带不定式作宾语的动词,其同源名词可以带不定式作定语。常见的有attempt, decision, promise, plan等

eg. he hasn’t kept his promise to write to his parents regularly.

②常与不定式搭配的形容词,其同源名词一般可以用不定式作定语。常见的有ability, determination, anxiety, eagerness等

eg. his eagerness to finish his homework was quite clear.

③序数词形容词最高级或被only, last, next等修饰的名词可以用不定式作定语:

she was the only person to survive after the earthquake.

tips: 不定式在作定语时,有时与被修饰的名词有意义上的主谓关系、同位关系、动宾关系,如果该不定式是不及物动词,它后面需要加上适当介词。

eg. he’s always the first to come and the last to leave. 主谓关系

i’ve no time to listen to your excuse. 同位关系

she has a meeting to attend. (动宾关系=attend a meeting)

there’s nothing to worry about. (动宾关系=worry about nothing)

6. 作状语


①to…, in order to …, so as to …(不能放在句首)作目的状语

20辽宁卷22题:all these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for christmas.

a. in order to have received b. in order to receive c. so as to be received d. so as to be receiving

②在so…as to, such….as to, only to …结构中不定式作结果状语,其中only to…用于表示意想不到的结果。

he hurried to the station only to find the train had gone.

③enough to, too…to结构

eg. the boy isn’t old enough to go to school.

= the boy is too young to go to school.

④形容词(happy, glad, lucky, fortunate, surprised, angry, anxious, ready, quick, slow, cruel, clever等)+ 不定式结构

eg. i’m glad to meet you.

the question is different to answer.

he is hard to get along with.

7. 作插入语,用来说明说话人的态度、看法、对整个句子进行解释,如to be frank(坦白地说),to be sure(确实)等。

eg. to tell you the truth, i hate you.

8. 作同位语

eg. the order to start the general attack soon came.

不定式的复合结构,以it为形式主语或形式宾语引导的复合结构,如果其前的形容词是指行为的性质就用:for sb. to do sth.这种复合结构在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语等。

it is necessary for me to learn english well.

如果该形容词是指行为的性质,同时又指行为的人,则用of sb. to do sth.。这种句式中的常用形容词有:right, wrong, brave, careful, careless, clever, wise, stupid, cruel, foolish, good, honest, kind, nice, silly等。

eg. it’s very kind of you to come to see me.

连接代(副)词+不定式(包括whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, 不包括why),在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在诸如tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder, explain等动词后作宾、主语或表语。

eg. no one can tell me where to find john.

when to the exam is still unknown.

the problem is how to get enough money.


①不定式的进行式由to be + v-ing构成,用来表示谓语动词动作发生时,不定式的动作正在进行。

eg. some students pretended to be reading english when the teacher came in.

②不定式完成式由to have + v-ed构成,用来表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。

eg. 年江苏卷no.25

--- is bob still performing?

--- i’m afraid not. he is said _______ the stage already as he has become an official.

a. to have left b. to leave c. to have been d. to be left


③不定式的被动式分为一般式被动to be v-ing和完成式被动to have been v-ed。当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式要用被动语态。

eg. it is an honour for me to be invited to the party.

the book is said to have been translated into many languages.


all these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for christmas.

a. in order to have received b. in order to receive c. so as to be received d. so as to be receiving


1. 动名词的句法功能:动名词由动词加ing构成,与现在分词的形式相同。动名词主要起名词作用,在句中担任主语、表语、宾语和定语。


eg. seeing is believing. (眼见为实)

saying is easier than doing.

collecting stamps is a good hobby. (单个动名词短语作主语时,动词用单数)


it is no use (good) + 动名词:做某事没有用

eg. it’s no use crying over spilt milk. (覆水难收)

there is no + 动名词 (= it is impossible to do sth.)

eg. there is no knowing what may happen.(未来的事无法知道)


eg. his hobby is collecting stamps. (此句为svc结构) 可改为:collecting stamps is his hobby.

cf. he is collecting stamps. (is collecting是谓语动词进行时,此句为svo结构)

不能改为:collecting stamps is he.


a. 作及物动词 的宾语(enjoy, mind, finish, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, escape, pratise, suggest, keep(on), miss)

eg. 2005年上海卷no.32

he got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk _____ the good opportunity.

a. to lose b. losing c. to be lost d. being lost


有些动词(attempt, begin, continue, hate, like, love)后面既可以接不定式作宾语,也可以接动名词作宾语,意义差别不大。通常认为用动名词泛指一般的倾向性,用不定式则表示特定或具体某一种动作。

eg. i like swimming but i don’t like to swim in winter.


eg. i prefer to drive rather than to be driven.

i prefer driving to riding.

有些动词,如forget, remember, regret等,后面接动名词表示的动作先于谓语动词动作,不定式表示的动作后于谓语动词。

eg. 2005年北京卷no.30

when asked by police, he said that he remembered _____ at he party, but not ______.

a. to arrive, leaving b. to arrive, to leave c. arriving, leaving d. arriving, to leave



eg. i think it no use telling them.

we think it no good inviting to him.

b. 作介词的宾语

eg. 2005年浙江卷no.3

the president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour ______ his notes.

a. bringing up b. referring to c. looking for d. trying on

be used to doing 习惯于做;look forward to doing 盼望做;devote one’s life to doing 致力于做;spent time (in) doing 花时间做;be fond of doing 喜爱做;be good at doing 擅长做;be proud of doing 为做…而自豪;be tired of doing 对做…感到厌倦;feel like doing 欲想做; go on doing 继续做(原来的事);keep on doing 不停地做;what about doing 做…怎么样;think of doing 考虑做;be interested in doing 对做…感兴趣;have some difficulty/trouble (in) doing 做某事有困难;be busy (in) doing 忙于做;instead of doing 做…而不做…

eg. 2005年江苏卷no.23

everybody in the village likes jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes.

a. turning up b. putting up c. making up d. showing up




swimming pool waiting room walking stick

a sleeping car=a car for sleeping a sleeping child= a child who is sleeping


eg. that’s the queen’s full-time job, laying eggs. 这就是蚁后的专职工作--产卵。



eg. do you minding my smoking here?


eg. he was awakened by someone knocking the door.

there’s no need for that being done.


eg. mary’s laughing made tom angry.

there is no hoping of the factory making profit.


eg. 2005年安徽卷no.34

i really can’t understand _____ her like that.

a. you treat b. you to treat c. why treat d. you treating

3. 动名词的完成式、一般式被动和完成式被动。

eg. after having finish his work, he went home.

he attended the meeting without being asked.

she never told me about her having been interviewed by the police.


teaching plans of unit one--- getting along with others

period one welcome to the unit

teaching aims:

to deepen ss’ understanding of friendship

to practice ss’ oral english by getting them involved in the discussion of friends and friendship

to learn the way to describe the characteristics of a true friend

teaching procedures:


1. listen to the song called auld lang syne(友谊地久天长)

2. show students some pictures about friends

3. brainstorming questions:

1) have you enjoyed the song? can someone name the song ?

2) can you guess the relationship between the ones in the pictures?

3) do you have any good friends? how many are they?

4) do you think it is important to have a good relationship with others? why?

5) do you know the concept of “friendship”? try to explain.

6) in your opinion, what does a real friendship consist of ?

Ⅱ. picture talking:

talk about the pictures and proverbs with your partner. try to discuss the following questions:

picture 1,

1) where are the two girls?

2) what are they doing ?

3) how long they spend speaking to each other?

4) do you think they enjoy each other’s company?

5) what do you think ‘friends are thieves of time.’ mean?

picture 2,

1) what do you use a mirror for?

2) what are the two girls doing?

3) do you think the girl on the right is a good friend? why?

4) do you have a good friend? does he/she often give you advice?

5) what do you think the proverb ‘the best mirror is an old friend’ mean?

picture 3,

1) what is the taller boy doing ?

2) why does he do so?

3) do you think it possible for a person to buy friendship?

4) in your opinion, what is the base of a good friendship?

picture 4,

1) do you think friends should be the same age and share the same hobbies and interests?

2) what does the proverb ‘true friends have hearts that beat as one.’

Ⅲ. story-telling

tell a story happened between you and your best friend.

Ⅳ. discussion

1) what a true friend should be like?

a friend is someone who

---you respect and who respects you

---shares your happiness and sorrow

---is trustworthy

---is honest, loving

---is devoted and loyal to you

---is selfless

2) try to think of more proverbs related to friendship.

for example,

a life without a friend is a life without a sun.

a man who has friends must show himself friendly.

Ⅴ. extending

more proverbs about friendship

Ⅵ. conclusion

what else can be our friends besides human beings?

there are many answers to this question. e. g. a dog, a cat, a dictionary, a computer, a toy car, a mobile phone, a tv set…

as long as we have love

Ⅷ. homework

1. smile to your friends.

2. finish the passage in part b.

3. on page 95 in workbook..

4. preview the reading part.

period two reading (one)

teaching aims:

to deepen ss’ insight into problems between friends

to practice ss’ reading comprehension skill

to identify feelings and emotions in a text

teaching procedures:


1. show students a picture about a gang of friends.

it’s a picture of me. can you find me out and guess who are the others. (my friends)

2. brainstorming questions:

1) do you have a friend? how do you get along with your friends?

2) have you ever fallen out with a very good friend?

3) if you had a quarrel with a friend, how would you deal with it?

4) how would you mend a broken friendship?

3. before reading the letters about broken friendships, analyse the reasons that might lead to a broken friendship.

---having little in common

---lacking trust

---there being conflict of interest

---being jealous of each other

---being indifferent to each other

Ⅱ. fast-reading

ask the students to go through the two letters quickly and answer questions in part a

1. are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad?

2. what did sarah get for the surprise maths test?

3. is matthew usually a quiet boy?

Ⅲ. detailed-reading

1. ask the students to read the first letter carefully and answer the following questions and an analysis diagram .

1) why other children say we are no fun?

2) what did sarah think about the surprise maths test?

3) what did hannah sense?

4) what did sarah tell hannah in the girls’ toilets?

5) why did sarah tell hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more?

6) the analysis diagram:

she felt betrayed because … she thought her best friend hannah didn’t keep her secret.

shamed she scored the lowest score in her class.

upset she found a piece of paper on her desk that said ‘stupid sarah got a d’

angry she thought sarah didn’t keep her word.

2. ask the students to read the second letter carefully and answer the following questions and fill in a table.

1) why did andrew shout at mathew after the match?

2) what did matthew think about losing the match?

3) how did andrew think of football?

4) what kind boy is matthew?

5) how is matthew recently?

6) fill in the table:

how andrew felt why she felt so?

he had a dilemma. his best friend matthew has stopped talking to him.

he felt really guilty. he said some really cruel things to matthew.

he was angry with matthew. they lost the game because of matthew’s carelessness.

Ⅳ. summarize the reading strategy according to the emotion analysis and tale above: read to understand emotion

Ⅴ. consolidation

complete two letters written by agony aunt back to the two students with the proper words.

Ⅵ. role play

divide the students into groups of three. each group is formed with agony aunt annie, sarah and hannah or agony aunt annie, andrew and matthew. just suppose they are having a face-to-face talk. students are expected to act it out after a few minutes’ preparation.

Ⅶ. discussion

what is a friendship?

read a poem--- the abc’s of friendship

Ⅷ. homework

1. retell the two letters.

2. write an article about the friendship in your mind.

period three reading (two)--- language points

teaching aims:

to deepen ss’ understanding of the two letters.

to help ss master the important words and phrases in the text.

to introduce a few sentence structures to ss.

teaching procedures:


1. revision

retell the main idea of the two letters.

discussion: will they be good friends again?


1. match the words with the correct definitions

academic make jokes and laugh at someone

deliberately a situation where one can’t decide what to do

tease shout or say loudly

dilemma feeling shamed of something done wrong

brilliant good at studying and getting high marks

yell be kind and like to meet new people

outgoing extremely good, clever and excellent

guilty done in a planed way, on purpose

2. complete the sentences with the words on the left

though he is a popular student, he is not very academic.

i don’t know what to do. actually i am in a dilemma .

after saying sorry to her, i didn’t feel guilty any longer.

he is quite outgoing and has lots of friends.

don’t get upset i was only teasing .

he is so brilliant that he can always think of new ideas.

it is impolite to yell at the old.

i don’t think the young boy run into the old woman deliberately.

Ⅲ. phrases

explain the underlined words and make a sentence according to the picture given.

1. i was determined to be cheerful…(line 14)

do something with a firm desire

eg. though she loved him, she was determined to leave him.

2.… , and told her we weren’t going to be friends any more because she couldn’t keep her word.(line 24)

do what one has promised


she is a good girl and can always keep her word.

3. … , and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.(line 38)

because of

eg. as a result of his careless study, he failed the maths test.

4. … i cannot help wondering if she wants peter to be his best friend instead of me.(line 53)

cannot take control of oneself and do…

eg. when thinking to the jokes, i can’t help laughing.

5 … i must have sounded very proud of myself after the test.(line 8)

must have done means guessing that something has happened because there seems to be no other possibility.

more sentences in the text:

… hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark...(line 21)

how they must have laughed behind my back!

she said that someone must have heard us in the toilets, but i don’t believe her.

eg.it must have snowed yesterday.

Ⅴ. sentences

what does the word mean in different sentences?

1. hannah sensed something was wrong. (line 14)

he doesn’t seem to have any sense of humor.

there is no sense in getting upset about it now.

one day he will come to his senses and see what a fool he has been.

this article does not make sense to me.

2. he kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. (line 44)

watch him. he can be really mean.

don’t be so mean about money.

this word means a kind of meat in english.

i didn’t mean to hurt you.

3. i feel really guilty because i said some really cruel things too, but i can’t stand seeing our team lose. (line 46)

all the audience stood and clapped.

he is too weak to stand.

stand the bedroom against the door.

there is a fruit stand in the street.


1.he said it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as me and that i shouldn’t yell at him.

if there are two object clauses in one sentence, that is used at the beginning of the second object clause and cannot be left out.


she said (that) she would fly to paris and that she would bring me a present.

2.since the mach, he hasn’t spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in class.

they decided to leave each other even though they loved each other.

3. various forms of a verb

… how i was sure to get a good mark. (line 9)

i was determined to be cheerful. (line 14) to infinitive

i made her promise not to tell anyone. (line 16)---- bare infinitive

i was so upset that i felt like crying. (line 20)

my best friend matthew has stopped talking to me. (line 34)

… as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game. (line 39) v-ing form as a noun

Ⅶ. homework

1. review the useful phrases and important words in this text.

2. review the two sentence structures learnt above.

3. finish parts a1 and a2 on page 90 in workbook.

period four word power

teaching aims:

to enlarge ss’s vocabulary about personality.

to help ss recognize positive and negative adjectives about personality.

to introduce synonyms and antonyms to ss.

teaching procedures:



1. think of one of your friends and make a description.

2. what kind of person is easy to make friends with?

3. what kind of person is hard to make friends with?

write down the adjectives on the blackboard.

Ⅱ.read the dialogue

ask ss to pair work the dialogue and try to get the meaning of the adjectives.

go through the first table and figure out positive adjectives and negative adjectives to describe personality.

Ⅲ. competition

encourage ss to come up with more adjectives to describe personality.

divide the ss into two groups, the group which comes up with more groups will be the winner.

Ⅳ. synonyms and antonyms

introduce the definition of synonyms and antonyms to the ss.

go through the second table and do some more exercises.

Ⅴ. consolidation

1. figure out the adjectives according to the meaning on the left.

2. finish the exercises on page 7

Ⅵ. game --- describe and guess

one student is going to stand in front of the class and describe the personality of one of his/her friends, the others are going to guess out who the person is. the one who guess it out can have a chance to go to the front.

Ⅶ. have a thinking

have a summary of what we have learnt in this period of class.

ask ss to think about two questions:

do you want to be popular?

do you want to make true friends?

so we should build a positive personality.

Ⅷ. homework

finish the relevant exercises in the unit revision.

period five grammar (1)

teaching aims:

to recognize the basic forms of the to-infinitive and the bare infinitive.

to learn how to use to-infinitives and bare infinitives in different situations.

teaching procedures:


look at some proverbs about friendship and pay attention to the words in red.

1) a faithful friend is hard to find.

2) the only way to have a friend is to be one.

3) it is better to be alone than in bad company.

Ⅱ.functions of to-infinitive

1) subject of a sentence

2) object

3) object complement

4) attribute

5) predicative

6) adverbial

Ⅲ. functions of bare infinitive

1) we use the bare infinitive after:

* let and make and sometimes have

* verbs of perception: feel, hear, see and watch

* would rather, had better and why not

2) when two infinitives are joined by and, or, expect, but, than, rather than, we normally use the bare infinitive for the second infinitive.

Ⅵ. consolidation

1. turn to page 9 and complete the letter.

2. retell the letter to your partner using your own language.

Ⅶ. homework

finish c1 on page 100 in workbook and relevant exercises in unit revision

some more exercises are prepared if time permits.

period six grammar (2)

teaching aims:

to recognize the basic form of the verb-ing.

to learn how to use the verb-ing form as a noun in different situations.

teaching procedures:


show ss some proverbs and ask them to pay attention to the words in red.

saying is one thing and doing another.

seeing is believing.

constant dripping wears away a stone.

reading enriches the mind.

Ⅱ.1. functions of verb-ing

1) subject

2) predicative

3) object

4) after possessive pronouns

5) in compound nouns

2. we use a verb-ing form, not an infinitive after these verbs: admit, dislike, imagine, delay, consider, mind, understand, avoid, enjoy, practise, miss, finish, keep, suggest.

3. we can use a verb-ing form or an infinitive after the following verbs, with little difference in meaning: continue, prefer, begin, hate, like, start, love

4. some verbs can be followed by a verb-ing form or a to-infinitive , but with some different in meaning or usage: forget, regret, remember, mean, try, go on

forget + to-infinitive (an activity that has not been done)

forget + verb-ing form (an action that has been done)

5. some common phrases are used with verb-ing forms.

would you mind …

…cannot help…

…look forward to…

…feel like…

…cannot stand…

…it is no use/ good…

…put off…

…keep on…

Ⅲ. consolidation

complete the letter on page 11


state your opinion on visiting internet chat rooms.

Ⅶ. more exercises

Ⅶ. homework

period seven task (1)

teaching aims:

to practice ss’ listening ability by taking notes.

to practice ss’ oral ability by express agreement and disagreement

teaching procedures:

1. lead-in

1) interview

one or two of our classmates has been abroad in this summer. now you have a chance to interview him/her. write down his/her answers.

give some hint about how to take notes.

2) watch a video about an interview, and try to take notes about the answers.

Ⅱ.skills building1: writing down the answers

think about what questions to ask and write them down in advance.

write brief notes only, not whole sentences.

make meaningful notes.

use contractions and abbreviations whenever possible.

if you don’t hear or understand an answer, ask the other person to repeat it. you can use expressions such as:

could you say that again?

could you repeat that, please?

did you say… or…?

Ⅲ.listen to the tape and answer the questions on page 12.

first read the instruction in the box and try to answer two easy questions

then listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Ⅵ.step1 calling teen talk for advice

read the leaflet about teen talk.then complete the notes.

listen to the tape and finish part b

Ⅶ. discussion

1.interview the classmates and fill in the chart.

2.according to the result of the interview, try to discuss some statements on friendship with classmates.

3.expressions of agreeing or disagreeing.

Ⅶ. homework

review what we have learnt today and write a letter to your friend about what his/her friendship means to you.

keep the ideas on page 17 in mind when you write.

your feelings about friendship

your feelings about best friends

the quantities of a good friend

what makes a good friendship last

period eight task (2)

teaching aims:

to practice ss’ listening ability by listening to others’ composition.

to practice ss’ proofreading ability by checking each other’s composition.

teaching procedures:

1. lead-in

review what we have learnt in skills building 1 and skills building 2

listen to the composition of one student and the others try to find out his mistakes.

Ⅱ.skills building 3 : proofreading

what careless mistakes do we often make in our compositions








tip: instruct students of how to make corrections.


proofread the article on page 16

Ⅵ.further practice

proofread a few sentences and one more piece of writing.


proofread your composition by yourself.

exchange your composition with your deskmate, proofread his/her composition.

Ⅶ. presentation

present the article you have proofread to the class.

Ⅷ. homework

proofread the composition you have written recently.

finish the relevant exercises in unit revision.

period nine project (1)

teaching aims:

to practice ss’ reading ability by reading the article from the school magazine.

to get ss’ know the differences between teenage boys’ and girls’ friendship.

to instruct ss on how to design and conduct a survey.

teaching procedures:

1. lead-in

1. ask ss to finish a questionnaire on friendship.

2. analyze the result of the questionnaire and find out the difference between boys’ and girls’ friendship.

3. what’s your definition of friendship? (ask boys and girls to answer separately)

do you think boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship?

Ⅱ. reading

read the school magazine article carefully and try to answer the following questions.

what puzzles robert?

what’s the difference between boys and girls in their attitudes towards friendship?

what are boys’ and girls’ friendships each based on?

Ⅲ. language points

1. they’re still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation! (line, 6)

be lost in

2. what in the world do they have to talk about? (line, 6)

on earth, used to emphasize a statement

3. girls who have been asked can usually answer the question without hesitation. (line 18)

without pausing before doing something

4. on the other hand, a girl’s closest friend might be the first to tell her about something good or bad that has happened in her life. (line 24)

used when comparing different facts or ideas


5. regardless of what these friendships are based upon, shared feelings or activities, the important thing to remember is that both of them are friendships. (line 28)

without being affected by different situations, problems, etc. 不管,不顾

Ⅵ. assignment of the project

1. planning

form a group of 6

choose your topic

get the topic approved by your teacher

2. preparing

discuss the purpose and design of the survey

clear assignments

design the survey ______

conduct the survey ______

calculate the result ______

write the report ______

present the oral report ______

3. producing

make a questionnaire

give out and collect the questionnaires

record and analyze the statistics

write the report

4. presenting

present your findings to the class in an oral report

answer any questions raised by your classmates

Ⅶ. homework

finish the project

period ten project (2)

teaching aims:

to practice ss’ oral ability by anticipating in the oral report.

to improve ss’ team work spirit by finishing and presenting the project..

to improve ss’ emotional sense of friendship.

teaching procedures:

Ⅰ. lead-in


retell the magazine article and summarize the difference between boys’ and girls’ attitude on friendship.

Ⅱ. presentation on how attitudes between boys and girls differ on a certain topic.

Ⅲ. presentation.

Ⅵ. summary

we should cherish our friendship

Ⅶ. homework

b1,b2 on page 91 in workbook

d1,d2on page 93 in workbook

relevant exercises in unit revision

period eleven self-assessment

teaching aims:

to check ss’ understanding of the two letters and the reading strategy of the two letters

to check ss’ master of the adjectives to describe personality.

to consulate ss’ understanding of the infinitives and verb-ings.

teaching procedures:


ask students to retell the two letters in the reading part. share what he/she has learnt with the others.

Ⅱ. exercises.

1. fill in the blanks with correct words

though he is a popular student, he is not very academic .

i don’t know what to do. actually i am in a dilemma .

after saying sorry to her, i didn’t feel guilty any longer.

he is quite outgoing and has lots of friends.

don’t get upset i was only teasing .

he is so brilliant that he can always think of new ideas.

it is impolite to yell at the old.

i don’t think the young boy run into the old woman deliberately .

i was determined to be cheerful, but hannah sensed something was wrong.

he kept on saying really mean things to hurt me.

i cannot help wondering if he wants peter to be his best friend instead of me.

but i can’t stand seeing out team lose.

when asked they usually hesitate before responding.

girls who have been asked can usually answer the question without hesitation .

friendships between girls are usually based on shared feelings and support

there are some things about amanda and her friends that puzzle robert.

2. write down the synonyms and antonyms.













3. fill in he blanks with correct words, the first letter is given to you.

in china, most people think that the student who can get high marks in exams is a good student. however, will this kind of thought bring benefit to our chinese education? this mark-oriented education system even worrys some educators. they have a different attitude. it is true that a student should be absorbed in his studies. but besides in-class study, he has to develop in an all-round way. sport and after-school activities also play an important role in the development of a student. most teenagers are suffering from the pressure of exams.

in addition, a good adolescent should be honest and kind to others. in other words, he never betrays his friends, if he does something wrong, he admits his mistakes and apologize without hesitation.

to sum up, a student should be brilliant in his study and have a good personality.

4. 根据中文补全句子。

1) 想找到一个最好的朋友是困难的。

it is difficult to find a best friend.

2) 我每天需要8小时睡眠。

i need to sleep for eight hours every day.

3) 我有一个重要的会议要参加

i have a very important meeting to attend.

4) 他的目的是使我开心起来

his intention was to cheer me up.

5) 爸给我安排了一些游泳课以给我一个惊喜。

my dad arranged some swimming lessons to surprise me.

6) 让我承诺每天写作。

he make me promise to write every day.

7) 最好打扫一下你的房间。

you had better tidy your bedroom.

8) 游泳池里有一只鞋。

there is a shoe in the swimming pool.

9) 我通过每天早上跑步来保健。

i keep fit by running every morning.

10) 我将永远不会忘记我赢得的第一枚金牌。

i will never forget winning my first gold medal.


i didn’t mean to hurt you by saying that.

12) 在中国摇手表示说再见。

in china waving hands means saying goodbye.

5. multiple choices

1._____sunday, the students are at home.

a.being b.to be c.it is d.it being

2.the boy lay on his back, his teeth __and his glaring eyes ___.

a.set; looked b.set; looking

c.setting; looked d.setting; looking

3.all the thing____,his proposal is of greater value than yours.

a.considered b.considering c.to consider d.consider

4.____who she was, she said she was mr.johnson’s friend.

a.asking b.asked c.to be asked d.when asking

5.he hurried to the station,___the 9:30 train had already left.

a.to find b.found c.only to find d.only finding

6.which do you enjoy ___your weekends, fishing or watching tv?

a.spending b.to spend c.being spent d.spend

7.___all my letters, i had a drink and went out.

a.finished b.having finished c.finishing d.to finish

8.she had no money ___a birthday present for her children.

a.to buy with b.buying c.bought d.with which to buy

9.from the dates___on the gold coin, it is conformed that it was made five hundred years ago.

a.marking b.marked c.to be marked d.having been marked

10.____time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.

a.to save b.saved c.saving d.having saved

11.o’neal works hard.he is often seen ___heavily before his teammates start.

a.sweated b.to be sweated c.sweating d.being sweated

12.i can hardly imagine peter___across the atlantic ocean in 15 days.

a.sail b.to sail c.sailing d.to have sailed

13.such___the case, i couldn’t help but _____ him.

a.being; support b.is; to support c.has been; supporting d.be; supported

14.does the way you thought of___the water clean make any sense?

a.making b.to make c.how to make d.having made

15.in order not to be disturbed, i spent three hours__in my study.

a.locking b.locked c.to lock d.being locked

16.you will find the word “psychology” ____under “p” in your dictionary.

a.have listed b.list c.listed d.listing

17.sandy could do nothing but ___to his mother that he was wrong.

a.admitting b.admits c.admit d.to admit

18.when i caught him cheating me, i stopped __things in his shop.

a.buying b.buy c.to buy d.bought

19.a doctor can expect___at any hour of the day or night.

a.calling b.to call c.being called d.to be called

20.nearly every great building in beijing was built_ south.

a.to face b.facing c.to have faced d.being facing

21.with his son___, the old man felt unhappy.

a.to be disappointed b.disappointing c.being disappointed d.to disappoint

22.it was____computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

a.to have played b.playing c.played d.having played

23.and there, almost___in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.

a.having lost b.losing c.to be lost d.lost

24.as i will be away for at least a year, i’d appreciate___from you now and then__me how everyone is getting along.

a.hearing; tell b.to hear; tell c.hearing; telling d.to hear; to tell

25.the students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, ___ after 11 pm.

a.to stay out b.from staying out c.staying out d.not to stay out

26.i worked so late in the office last night that i hardly had time___ the last bus.

a.catching b.to catch c.having caught d.to have caught

27.__to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

a.exposed b.having exposed c.being exposed d.after being exposed

28.mike didn’t start____the importance of a foreign language till he graduated from school.

a.knowing b.to know c.know d.to have known

29.-- why was a special meeting called?

-- ___a new chairman.

a.to elect b.electing c.our electing d.elected

30.-- why did bob weep?

-- he couldn’t bear___like that before the whole class.

a.making fun of b.being made fun of c.to be laughed at d.being made fun

31.the students expected there___more reviewing classes before the final exams.

a.is b.to be c.being d.have been

32.i don’t mind___by bus, but i hate__in queues.

a.traveling; stand b.to travel; to stand

c.traveling; to stand d.traveling; to standing

33.we are looking forward to___the film____at the grand cinema.

a.seeing; to show b.see; shown c.seeing; shown d.see; to show

34.at the shopping-centre,he didn’t know what__and__with an empty bag.

a.to buy; leave b.to be bought; left c.to buy; left d.was to buy; leave

35.the policeman put down the phone, ___with a smile on his face.

a.satisfied b.satisfying c.to be satisfied d.having satisfied

36.___, your composition is full of mistakes.

a.writing carelessly b.written carelessly

c.having written carelessly

d.being written carelessly

37.she made a candle___us light.

a.give b.gave c.to give d.given

38.-- what do you suppose made her worried?

-- ___a gold ring.

a.lose b.lost c.losing d.because of losing

39.i know it’s not important, but i can’t help __about it.

a.to think b.and think c.thinking d.being thought

40.__several times, the young scientist still kept on making his experiments.

a.having been failed b.having failed c.though failed d.because of failure

41.___all over the hill and around the lake are wild flowers of different kinds.

a.to grow b.growing c.grown d.grow

42.--who are you going to have__this letter for you?

-- my secretary.

a.type b.typed c.been typed d.been typing

43.the food___at the moment is for the dinner party.

a.cooked b.to be cooked c.is being cooked d.being cooked

44.a kind old gentleman offered___my bags to the taxi stand.

a.his help carried b.carrying c.me to carry d.to help me to carry

45.you can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had___her children.

a.brought up b.to bring up c.bringing up d.to have brought up

46.he was___today, but was asked to stay for___week.

a.to have returned; another b.returning; one more

c.returned; another d.to return; other

47.-- where should i send my form?

-- the personnel office is the place___.

a.for sending it b.to send it to c.to send d.to send it

48.i could feel the wind__on my face from an open window.

a.to blow b.blowing c.to be blowing d.blown

49.-- lucy, why didn’t you come last sunday?

-- i___, but my father was in hospital.

a.would b.had c.was going to d.did

50.--what terrible weather! i simply can’t get the car___.

- - why not try____the engine with some hot water?

a.starting; filling b.start; filling c.started; to fill d.to start; fill


1.d。本题考查独立主格结构,因为前后主语不一致,所以前面分词的逻辑主语不可以省略。it being sunday相当于as it is sunday。

2.b。独立主格结构在句中作伴随状语, teeth 与set两个词之间含有逻辑上的被动关系,所以用过去分词;look这一动作是eyes所发出,所以用looking。



6.b。本题考查不定式作目的状语,本题极易误选a。其实 enjoy的宾语为fishing or watching tv。

7.b。因finish这一动作发生在i had a drink and went out之前,所以必须用现在分词的完成式。

8.d。介词+关系代词+不定式的结构可以在句中用作定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句。9.b。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。不定式作定语时,表示将来的动作;现在分词作定语,表示主动、进行;过去分词作定语,表示被动、完成。因为dates是被标在gold coin上,所以用过去分词表示被动。




13.a。can’t help but为固定短语, but后面接不带to的不定式;such being the case为独立主格结构,the case为逻辑主语。


15.b。lock与其逻辑主语应含有动宾关系,即 “被锁在书房里”。

16.c。单词psychology被列在 “p”之下,有被动关系。

17.c。but表示 “除了”,为介词,当其前面有动词do的各种形式时,but后接不带to的不定式。18.a。当stop后面接不定式时,表示“停下来去做某事”;如果接-ing形式,则表示“停止正在做的事”。





23.d。be lost in是固定短语,意为“陷入……之中”。变为分词短语作状语时,仍用过去分词lost。


25.a。本题考查forbid 的用法。当forbid用作被动形式时,构成be forbidden to do结构。


27.c。由题意“暴露在阳光下太久,会伤害人的皮肤”可知应采用-ing形式的被动式作主语。28.b。start后可以接-ing形式或to do,但如果start后面的动词表示心理活动的词时,必须用不定式。


30.b。bear意为“容忍”, 后面接-ing形式;make fun of与其逻辑主语有被动关系,所以用being done形式。

31.b。expected there to be的形式相当于expected there would be...。

32.c。mind意为“介意”, 后面接-ing形式; hate后可以接-ing形式或to do两种形式。33.c。look forward to(to为介词)后面接-ing形式;film与show之间含有被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语。

34.c。“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构在句中作宾语;left与didn’t know并列。

35.a。be satisfied with“对……满意”,即satisfy与with紧紧相连时,必须用其过去分词。

36.b。write所表示的动作与其逻辑主语有被动关系。being written为现在分词进行时的被动,表示该动作正在进行,与题意不符,所以选b。

37.c。不定式作目的状语, 意为“她制了一些蜡烛用来照明”。


39.c。can’t help表示“忍不住”后面接-ing形式;表示“不能帮助”时,后面接不定式。40.b。fail这一动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,所以用现在分词的完成时,并且为主动概念。41.b。all over the hill and around the lake为地点状语提前。wild flowers是长在“山上及湖的周围”的。


43.d。根据句子意思可知该动作正在进行,所以用being done形式。

44.d。本题考查offer与help的用法, 即offer to do sth.与help sb.(to) do sth。45.c。本题考查have difficulty(in) doing sth.这一结构。本句中 the woman had为定语从句,修饰difficulty。

46.a。be to+have done结构,表示本应该做某事,但事实上却没有做。

47.b。本题考查不定式作定语的用法。根据send的用法,send sth.to some place,故选择答案b。


49.c。该题考查了动词不定式的省略现象。由题意可知是表示过去的一种打算或计划,在“was going to”后省略了前面的内容或动作,故应选c。

50.a。get the car starting意为“使汽车发动起来”;try doing 意为“试着做某事”。

Ⅲ. homework

review what we have learnt in this unit.

高二牛津版(5)unit one getting along with others


1. i must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how i was sure to get a good mark.(p2,line8)

[考点] must + have done( p.p) 意思是:一定已经做了某事,表示对过去发生的事情的肯定猜测。

[考例] ----the woman biologist stayed in africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. (nmet 05, 江苏)

-----oh, dear! she ______ a lot of difficulties!

a. may go through b. might go through

c. ought to have gone through d. must have gone through

[点拨] 根据题干中“studying wild animals for 13 years”可判断出一定遇到了许多困难。故选d。

2. we went to wash our hands in the girls’ toilets before lunch and i admitted how badly i had done…( p2, line 16)

[考点] admit 表示承认,接纳。常用以下搭配:admit sb. into/ to sth. /admit doing sth./.

that- clause

[考例] they were clearly long-standing customers, and i suppose they must have stayed faithful to him because he had promised to sell good quality fruit. he had a way with them----i had to ____that. (nmet 05,江西完型填空第44空)

a. admit b. expect c. announce d. promise

[点拨] 根据上下文,表示“我不得不承认那点-------他有…”故选a。

3. he seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.( p3 ,line38)

[考点] as a result of 表示由于,后常接名词代词,或动名词及其名词从句,而as a result 表示结果,后常接表示结果的句子。

[考例] my friend martin was very sick with a strange fever; _____, he could neither eat nor sleep.(nmet 05, 江西)

a. as a result b. after all

c. any way d. otherwise

[点拨]after all 毕竟, any way 无论如何, otherwise否则。上句说“马丁患了奇怪的发烧,病得很厉害。”下句说“他不能吃也不能睡。”一词连接词应意为“结果”。故选a。

4. i feel really guilty because i said some really cruel things too, but i can’t stand seeing our team lose.( p3, line 46)

[考点] stand vt.承受;经受;承担,常用以下搭配can't stand sth /doing sth 例如:

he wants to marry me but i can't stand the sight of him. 他要娶我,但我一见他就受不了。

i can’t stand being treated like this.我受不了别人这样对我。

[考例]modern plastics can ____ very high and very low temperatures. ( nmet 05, 山东)

a. stand b. hold c. carry d. support

[点拨] hold 持有,拥有,carry携带,传送,support 支撑,支援,而stand 的意思是“经受”。本句意思是:现代的塑料可以经受非常高和低得温度。

5. each player should play to their strengths. (p5, line 22) (nmet 05,天津)

[考点] strength 名词,表示力量, 力气, 实力。

[考例] bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his________.

a. ability b. force c. strength d. mind

[点拨]这儿考名词的搭配。ability 能力,force 武力,势力, mind 头脑,智力。build up one’s strength 表示“使自己强壮”,故选c。

6. don’t let a small disagreement ruin your friendship. do not delay. (p5, line27)

[考点] delay及物动词表示“耽搁, 拖延, 推迟”。可以用于被动语态。

[考例]john was late for the business meeting because his flight had been ____ by a heavy storm. ( nmet 04, 辽宁)

a. kept b. stopped c. slowed d. delayed

[点拨]这儿考动词delay的用法。 题干中be late for 意思是迟到,因此根据句意, 航班应该是受到“耽搁, 延误”, 故选d。

7. i have a very important meeting to attend. ( p8, line14)

[考点] 不定式做后置定语的用法。 通常我们有些特殊的句式。例如 have something to do。

[考例] the professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _____ his arguments in favor of the new theory.(.6)

a. to be based on b. to base on c. which to base on d. on which to base

[点拨] 该句是不定式坐后置定语的一种用法。意思是:这位教授难以找到能够有利于新理论的充足理由来支持他的观点。故选d.

8. we had nothing to do but watch tv. (p8, line 39)

[考点] 非谓语的一种用法。 but其后要接带to不定式,但有三个结构例外。 do nothing but, can't but, can not help (choose) but, 它们后面要接不带to的不定式。

[考例] there was nothing they could do______.

a. but wait b. except waiting

c. only to wait d. unless they waited

[点拨] do nothing but do sth. , nothing前有do,后面的to要省略,故选a。

9. i’m glad i persuaded you to talk to rachel. (p9, line 7)

[考点] persuade 是及物动词,表示说服,劝说,可用于被动语态。通常用以下搭配 persuade sb. to do sth/ into doing sth.

[考例]the number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ____ to eat more fruit and vegetables. ( nmet 04, 上海)

a. persuade b. will persuade c. be persuaded d. are persuaded

[点拨] 根据句意应该用被动语态,排出a、b两项。而且用if 引导的条件从句中用“一般现在时”表示将来的概念。故选d。

10. i’ve met some nice people here in london and i think we might become close friends.(p9,line10)

[考点] 情态动词might表示说话者对所说的事情不太肯定的推测,通常表示“不确定,拿不准”。

[考例] ---- excuse me. is this the right way to the summer palace? ( nmet 04, 湖北)

-----sorry, i am not sure. but it____.

a. might b. will c. must d. can

[点拨]can 通常表示肯定推测,查功能用于疑问句或否定句中。本题由下句“i am not sure.”推知,发话人对此事拿不准。故选a。

11. these things can make you feel anxious. (p12,line20)

[考点] anxious做形容词使用,表示“焦急的,焦虑的,渴望的”。

[考例] my mother always gets a bit ___if we don’t arrive when we say we will. ( nmet 05, 浙江) a. anxious b. ashamed c weak d. patient

[点拨] ashamed 羞耻的, weak虚弱的,无力的, patient耐心的,忍耐的

anxious表示担忧的。根据所提供的情景,“if we don’t arrive when we say we will” 可以判断出 由于说将要回来,但没有回来,所以母亲会感到担忧。故选a。

12. do you feel sad and lonely? do you have no one to talk to? don’t suffer in silence.



[考例] _____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

(nmet 01)

a. having suffered b. suffering c. to suffer d. suffered

[点拨] 由already 一词可知, 要用现代分词的完成式。全句意思是:由于已经受到如此严重的污染, 现在清理河道可能太晚了。故选a。

13. we will listen to your problems and offer you practical advice. (p13, line8)

[考点] 形容词practical表示实用的,实际的。

[考例] when we plan our vacation, mother often offers ____suggestions. ( nmet 04, iii)

a. careful b. practical c. effective d. acceptable

[点拨] 据句意应为“提供实用的建议“,而careful仔细的, effective有效的,acceptable可以接受的”。故选b。

14. our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and you will eventually

get through.( p13, line12)

[考点]get through 表示电话等接通,常用于动词搭配使用。

[考例]i couldn’t ____. the line was busy. (nmet 05 , 浙江)

a. go by b. go around c. get in d. get through

[点拨] go by 依照, go round 四处走动, get in 收获, 而get through 指打通电话。根据所提供的情景“the line was busy.”可以判断出“i”一直没有打通电话。故选d。

15. i agree with you on/ that…..(p14,line 4)

[考点] 日常交际用语中考点之一,表态性用语,表示同意。或者用否定用法,不同意。

[考例]----go for a picnic this weekend, ok?

---- ______. i love getting close to nature. ( nmet 04, 福建)

a. i couldn’t agree more b.i afraid not.

c. i believe not d. i don’t think so.

[点拨] 此题考查交际用语,根据下文的回答可知,回答的人非常同意第一个提议的人的建议。其他选项部各题意。

i couldn’t agree more 表示“我非常同意。”故选a。

unit 1


1. he a_______ to his teacher for not having finished his homework.

2. when asked what he wanted to be, he answered without h_____.

3. his mother said that if he couldn’t pass the exam, she would sell the computer as p______.

4. he was too s_______ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend.

5. you have put me in a very a_______position and now i don’t know how to deal with the matter.

6. she said she was sorry, but her eyes b______ her secret delight.

7. tobby is always looking forward to being f______ by his parents after he does something wrong.

8. peter is popular with his classmates for we always find him w_____ to help others.

9. we are much c______ about the present situation and hope that the government will take effective measures to preserve the environment.

10.you are already grown-ups; you are required to take r_______ for what you do.

11.in order to avoid the p______________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a european country in 1981.

12.he was too s_______________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend.

13.i am sorry that i was a____________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you said.

14. although the b________ scientist has made his mark in the field of physics, he is sometimes

absent-minded in his daily life.

15. she _______( 发誓) that she hadn’t told anyone , but her friend still didn’t forgive her.

16. people are trying to make the once ____________ (污染) river clean again.

17. nearly all children are c about new fantastic things.

18.he always b her by telling the same story.

19.the curtain m the wall well .do you like the color ?

20.in the a of the teacher , fang lan will be in charge .

21.what do you think i should do to (解决) this problem?

22.many (志愿者)are needed to help in beijing olympic games.

23. i wrote a letter to the manager of that company and wanted to a___________ for the job.

24. he gets along well with his classmates because he is an______________(外向的)boy.

25. ordinary people could ___________(假装) to be rich and important.

26. many crimes went ___________________(未受惩罚的).

27. at school she founded a close f___________ with several other girls.

28. i don’t d_______ he’ll come. i’m sure he will come.

29. your invention is ingenious, but not p__________.

30. the woman shows a very passive a__________ towards her work.

31. they p___________ about what to do next.

32. it’s ___________(荒唐) of you to suggest such a thing.

33. she ____________(答复) to my letter with a phone call.

34. everyone should be ____________(忠诚) to their friends.

35. a m__________ person is someone who has moods that change quickly.

36. she is so t________ that she doesn’t dare to speak in public.


a: can you tell me something about the earth summit?

b: yes. it’s a meeting held by the un to discuss e (37) issues. a: when and where was the l (38 ) earth summit held?

b: in johnnesburg in .

a: what main subject of the summit was r (39)?

b: sustainable and s (40) development.

a: what did e (41) from all over the world discuss in johnnesburg?

b: they discussed the three biggest e (42)or killers in the world: polluted drinking water, poor sanitation(公共卫生设施)and air p (43)

a: what else did many speakers speak about at the meeting?

b: they also showed great c (44) about poverty, war and violence.

a: why are conferences like the earth summit of i (45)?

b: because they help us understand that there exist serious s (46) the earth faces and that only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.

answers :

1. apologized 2. hesitation 3. punishment 4. stubborn 5. awkward

6. betrayed 7. forgiven 8. willing 9. concerned 10. responsibility

11. punishment 12. stubborn 13. absent-minded 14. brilliant 15. swore

16. polluted 17.curious 18.bores 19.matches 20.absence

21. solve 22. volunteers 23. apply 24. outgoing 25.pretend

26.unpunished 27. friendship 28. doubt 29 . practical 30. attitude

31.puzzled 32. absurd 33. replied 34. loyal 35. moody 36.timid

37. environmental 38. latest 39. raised 40. stable 41. experts /environmentalists 42. enemies 43. pollution 44. concern 45. importance 46. situations

unit 2 the environment

reading: the economy or the environment----must we choose?

reading 1

the general idea of this period

the main purpose of this lesson is to make ss fully understand the text and master the reading strategy.

teaching aims:

check and enhance students’ reading abilities.

2.train students to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate.

teaching important points:

1.how to make the students fully understand the text.

2.how to get students to read a debate.

teaching aids: multimedia and a blackboard

procedures for teaching:

step 1 lead-in

1.ask students the title of the text and ask students which one to choose: the economy or the environment.

step 2 comprehension of the text

ask ss to skim the article and answer the following questions.

who are the three speakers?

what side does mr lin shuiqing and mr qian liwei each represent?

by how many times has the world’s population increased since 1800?

according to mr qian liwei,what should be done to factories that pollute the environment?ask ss to read lin shuiqing’s debate and answer the following questions.

what society does lin shuiqing belong to?

what does lin shuiqing start his speech by talking about?

what is happening to large amounts of fish?what does lin shuiqing think we should teach people about?

ask ss to read qian liwei’s debate and answer the following questions.

why does qian liwei think production should not be cut back?

what does qian liwei say we should produce more of?

what does qian liwei say we need more of?

what does qian liwei say many people are willing to do?

ask students to fill in a table on the screen according to the text.

ask students how to read a debate by asking them to answer the following questions.

what is the order of a debate?

what is the order of the debate?

what is important in a debate?

what should we pay attention to when we read or listen to a debate?

ste3 role play

three groups represent lin shuiqing and the other three groups represent qian liwei.each of you speaks one or two points.you can make some changes to the debate and add your opinions to the debate.

step 4 homework

1.read the text.

2. preview the language points in the debate.

period 2 reading 2: language focus

the general idea of this period

the main purpose of this lesson is to make ss better understand the text and master some important language points.

teaching aims:

review the reading by filling in the form with the words in the reading..2.get the students to grasp the usage of some important words and expressions.

3.get the students to practice mastering the language points.

teaching important points:

1.how to make the students have a better comprehension of the text.

2.how to help the students be familiar with the language points.

how to help ss apply these points into practice.

teaching aids: multimedia and a blackboard

procedures for teaching:

step one revision and lead-in

do the blank-filling .

step two language points

ask the students to read the debate and find the right words or phrases according to the meanings.


2.something that cannot be used any more and is thrown away

3.terrible ,shocking


5.destroy completely6.(birds,insects,fish,etc)produce eggs from their bodies

7.come near to,get close to

8.make less,reduce

9.be helpful,useful,favourable to

10.be involved in or be affected by11.a constant,steady economy

12.speak freely

explain important language points to ss .

1.in addition, many sea creatures are being wiped out by fishing boats.(line16)

2.these boats catch large numbers of fish without giving them time to lay eggs.(line16)

3.the world’s population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.(line20)

4.my suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.(line22)

5.mr lin suggested we should cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment.

6.the amount of rubbish we produce is turning into a big problem; we need to think more about recycling.

7.but i do agree that recycling may be the key to helping both sides.(line45)8.it is obvious that you are very concerned about the present situation of our environment.(line29)

step three practice for consolidation

ask students to fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases.

step four homework

1.finish a1 and a2 on page 90.

2. read the text.

module 5 unit 2 the environment

word power

teaching aims 1. enlarge ss’ vocabulary related to the environment.

2. help ss use the words about the environment as possible.

teaching important points how to learn the new words effectively.

2. how to use the new words freely.

teaching difficult points

1. how to make ss describe environmental problem briefly.

how to solve the environmental problems rapidly.

teaching methods

1.students-centered. (discussion to make every student work in class.)

2.teacher & students’ interaction. (talking to improve the students’ speaking ability.)

3.multimedia way. ( practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.)

teaching aids the multimedia.

2. the blackboard.

teaching procedures:

step 1 lead-in

tell ss that they will go traveling in shangri la. what would they like to do?

let ss make a discussion.


what are we interested in?

what type of hotel will we stay in?

what kind of energy does the hotel ecoville use?

how does the hotel wash the sheets?

what other characteristics does the environmentally hotel have? 3. ask several ss to report their idea to the class.

step2 vocabulary learning

read this brochure about a new, environmentally friendly hotel which is opening. (help ss to learn the new words.)

doing exercise.(help ss to consolidate them.)

ask ss to label the pictures in part b and try to describe them in a few simple words if possible. (help ss improve their speaking abilities)

step 3 vocabulary extension

ask ss to focus on part c on page 27. (help ss strengthen understand the new words. )

ask ss several questions. (check ss’ understanding of the passage. )

who thought of the idea to build in environmentally friendly hotel?

where did he get his inspiration (idea) ?

what are the differences between ecoville and other hotels?

ask ss to work in groups & have a competition on words that include the prefix ‘eco-’. use dictionary if necessary.

ask ss to first complete the note in part a on page 104 in wb, and then to complete the article in part c on the same age.

step 4 homework

1. try to write an article on some environmental pollution and how to solve the problems.

2. write a guide on how to be an ecotourist.


ge weimei, no. 66 high school , nanjing

teaching plan:

teaching aim and demands : 1 help the students to listen and draw conclusions

2 train the students’ listening

3 help the students to read for information

4 help the students to read a scientific article

5 help the students to present your point of view

6 design a poster

teaching procedures

sep1 skills building 1 :

in this part , students will learn how to draw conclusions from listening to something .explain to students that in order to draw conclusions , they need to think about the situation and the information they have and then try to decide what it means .

1 ask the students to read the guidelines and the dialogues in skills building on page 32 , ask them to draw conclusions from what is said in the dialogues and you can create more dialogues and ask students to draw some conclusions.

2 ask students to read the instructions in part a . then play the recording once and ask students to draw a conclusion about what kind of natural disaster occurred in each situation . ask them why they have drawn this conclusion . then play the recording once more and check the answers as a class .

3 tell the students to listen to the tape and complete part b . ask them to choose which of the conclusions are logical and to state their reasons .

step 1 : listening to a lecture

1. ask students to listen to the tape

2. encourage the students to fully participate in the situation and express their opinions freely .

3. play the tape once .

4. ask several students to read one answer each .

5. ask students to finish part b . ask them to consider what conclusions can be drawn from the statements .

skills building 2 :reading for information

1 ask students to read the guidelines on page 34 .

2 organize students into groups of six and tell them to discuss the reasons why they might want to read the materials mentioned in part a .

ask students to read the newspaper article in part b and answer the four questions listed below it .

step 2 : reading a scientific article

1 help students to review what they have learnt about desertification in step 1 on page 33 . encourage them to list the things they know about desertification.

2 ask students to read the scientific article about desertification . make sure that they understand the article .

3 organize students into groups of four and tell them to study the scientific article together.

4 ask students to list their solutions on page 35.

skills building 3 : presenting your point of view

1 ask students to read the guidelines in this part . make sure that they understand each point.

2 ask students to read the instructions for pat a on page 36 and help them give explanation for their decisions. ask several groups to explain their decisions to the class.

step 3 : designing a poster

1 organize students into small groups , and ask them to read the viewpoints from some experts on desertification in part a on page 37 . they need to discuss which viewpoint they agree with and which one they will focus on.

2. ask different groups to consider the questions in part b and ask them to present their answers to the class.

3. tell students that a good poster includes good content and a good layout . ask students to read the instructions on part c on page 37 .

4. ask each group to create their own poster . remind them to refer back to step1 and 2 .

homework: ask students to read the article in part a on page 105 in workbook. then let them do part b on the same page .


module 5 unit 2 the environment


teaching aims 1.help ss learn and use english by doing a project.

2. encourage ss to use they have learnt to complete a project.

teaching important points help ss how to plan and do research for the report.

teaching difficult points

help ss how to cooperate each part of work together.

teaching methods


2.teacher & students’ interaction.

3.multimedia way.

teaching aids 1. the multimedia.

2. the blackboard.

teaching procedures:

step 1 lead-in

show some pictures of the yangtze river and tell ss the purpose of the class.

step 2 learning the text

1) divide ss into groups and ask them to read their assigned paragraph and report the main idea of the if to the class.

p1 the environmental problems of the yangtze river have raised concern.

p2 many people have recognized the importance of protecting the yangtze river and many environmental organizations and projects have been set up.

p3 two special government projects are under way to protect the river. one is the water and soil preservation project.

p4 the second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins.

p5 the environmental situation of the yangtze river is improving.

2) encourage ss in other groups to raise as many questions as possible.

3) ask ss to read the report carefully and answer the questions.

4) ask ss to form into groups and discuss the following questions.

a.why have the environmental problems of the yangtze river raised concern both nationally and internationally?

b.what does the green river organization do?

c.what problems do the two government projects focus on?

d.what did farmers have to do under the water and soil preservation project?

e. what does the second project concern?

extension questions:

f. do you think the environmental situation of the yangtze river is getting better? why?

g. what else can we do to protect the yangtze river?

5) ask ss to read the article again and analyse the structure of it.

6) ask ss to do close test.

7) have ss do part b1 & b2, d1 & d2.

step 3 writing a report


● work in small groups. discuss what you read on the previous page, briefly discuss the questions below and then decide on a topic for your report. have it approved by your teacher.

what do you think are the biggest environmental problems in china?

the topic for your report will be ___________________________.

● discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for each task. write the names beside the work each member is going to do. (remember, two or three people can work on the same task!)

research __________________________________________________

write the outline ____________________________________________

write the report ____________________________________________


● members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources on the topic you have chosen. the group should discuss the information found, and decide what to increase include in the report and what to leave out.

● those responsible for writing the outline should organize the information the group has decided to use and write an outline for the report using that information. the outline should be approved by the whole group.


● group members who are writing the report will have to write it based on the outline.

● all group members should edit the report before it is passed on to another group for editing. your group will be editing another group’s report at the same time.

● while editing, you should read the report closely and look for the following:

sentence structure organization punctuation

vocabulary grammar spelling

● during the editing stage, correct any mistakes you find and offer suggestions to the group on how they can improve their report. ask for comments on your report as well.


● the report should be written and checked once more for mistakes.

● present your report to the class.

● put your rep




1、掌握下列词汇和短语: reason, list, share, feelings, netherlands, german, outdoors, crazy, nature, dare, thundering, entirely, power, trust, indoors, go through, hide away, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, face to face, according to.

















uint1 reading anne’s best friend

qualities: easy-going ,warm-hearted ,helpful,…




discussion: 1> style 2> ideas

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
