28写作材料 >工作计划








3.会唱歌曲let’s sing。









step1:warm up


hello!what’s your name?


can i use your pen/…?

2.let’s do





(1)教师出示box的图卡,问:what’s this?生:it’s a box.板书box并进行教读。教师指着图卡下面单词的最后一个字母,先问学生:what letter is this?如学生不会,再告诉他们是x,并出示x的字母卡,大小写字母先同时呈现,再分别进行书空与认读。(在四线三格中书写字母大小写xx。让学生观察并做空中书写练习。)然后教师出示课本中fox在盒子里的图,问学生:what’s in the box?yes,it’s a fox.然后出示fox的单词卡,让学生跟读。




(4)听录音,用手指着字母及单词,跟读let’s say部分。

(5)听let’s sing部分,出示字母卡随着歌曲复习字母a--g。歌曲处理教师进行适当讲解与领唱让学生全部能掌握。让学生跟着录音一起学唱歌曲,学生在唱歌时打出相应的节拍并做出相应的动作。通过游戏,激发学生学习兴趣,使学生在相对宽松的情景下巩固复习所学内容。










2.let’s check.










教学课题: there be 句型专题


1、掌握there be 结构所表达的意义。

2、能听懂和看懂包含there be 句型的简短对话。

3、能运用学过词汇和there be 句型来简单描述一下某处有某物。


there be 句型的肯定式、否定式一般疑问句及其回答方式。


1、there be概念。 there be 。.。句型,表示的是“存在”, “某地有某人或某物”,其结构为there be(is,are)+某物 / 某人 + 某地。 2、be动词的用法。单数名词和不可数名词用is, 复数用are. 3、there is的句子结构:

there is a book on the desk.

there is some water in the bottle. 5、there are的句子结构:

there are some pictures on the wall. 6、练一练。

7、there be句型就近原则及练习。

四、小结及there be口诀。


pep小学三年级英语微课教学设计 pep小学三年级英语微课教学设计



1、能听说、认读eye, face , ear, nose, mouth, 这些关于身体





教学重点:关于头部的单词eye, face , ear, nose, mouth的学习 。 教学难点:eye, face 两个单词的元音因素容易发音不到位,教师可鼓励学生张大口型,相互检查。mouth 一词的尾音发音较难,教师可适当提醒学生,注意口型 教学过程:

step 1.warm up and revi-sion 1.greetings :

hello,boys and girls! nice to meet you! sit down please!

step 2.presentation

1、 利用多媒体展示学生感兴趣的动画人物“大耳朵图图”,让学生与图中人物进行口语交流let’s say “hello, tutu.”

2.tu tu is so cute.look! this is tutu’s eye.并指着tutu的眼睛介绍。同时引出新单词eye.

a.先让学生倾听录音怎么读单词eye b.再范读教新单词eye(开火车读) c.让学生拼写这个单词e-y-e

d.老师借助肢体语言,指着自己的眼睛说:this is my eye

e.let’s do.follow me: eye eye 唰唰唰(跟着老师一起做动作)。 3.用同样的方法依次新授新单词:face、ear、nose、mouth


5、认读face、ear、eye、nose、mouth的单词卡片和图片。 step3:practice 1.let’s do:

eye eye 唰唰唰 ear ear 呼呼呼

nose nose 闻闻闻

mouth mouth 巴巴巴 face face 拍拍拍

2.i say you do.(老师说,学生快速做相应的动作,然后找一位学生出来做出动作。) 3.play a game

出示多媒体课件,蝴蝶飞哪读到哪,飞到双手拍三下,飞到双脚跺三下,飞到单词读单词。 (这种游戏把课堂还给学生,有效激发学生的表现欲望,在轻松而又愉快的气氛中巩固所学知识。)

4.what’s miing?(出示多媒体课件,出示学生感兴趣的动物图片,让学生一眼能看出并猜出什么部位没有了。) 5.are you happy? now let’s sing a song: if you’re happy! 6.板书设计:

unit 3 look at me

a let’s learn




学生能听、说、读短语及单词:family,parents,aunt,uncle,babybrother能运用how many.。.。.。进行口语交际。














1、热身( warm up)



2、单词学习(word learning)




第四,memory game的游戏。


3、单词游戏(memory game)



4、课文学习(text learning)



5、语法学习(grammer learning)

此环节学习方式:小组竞赛。以座位分成四个参赛小组,按每个同学的课堂表现为本组加星,课末评出winner。本节课所教授的句子是“how many people are there in your family?”


6、知识拓展(extra tips)

由老师补充搜集课本上没有的知识,如,本课中其实爸爸妈妈在英语国家还有其他的口语化叫法mammy dady等。


7、课后作业(homework today)

(1) “说出你的爱”:回家后用英语称呼你的家人,如“mom,i love you!"

(2) “我学我用”:准备下节课带自己的全家福一张,向你的同学介绍你的家庭成员。


8、结束(the ending)

最后以i love my family歌舞表演结束本课。

[设计意图]第一,号召同学们stand up and move your body!让同学们站起来一起唱一起跳。因为这首歌曲是精心挑选的,并且会配以动作教学。第二,从另一个侧面向孩子们昭示,只要课堂上认真听课,四十五分钟过后必定会有轻松的一刻。第三,使本节课在一个轻松愉快的氛围中结束,让每个人被这首歌所感染,心中充满浓浓的爱意,体会到英语的魅力,使思想境界得到升华。


译林版《牛津小学英语》6a第五单元parta(listen,read and say)


本课是江苏译林版牛津英语6a unit5的中第一教时的内容,这是学生初次接触过去时,只要求学生能在教学过程中,掌握其时态结构和过去分词的构成,并能对自己在过去做的一些事情进行描述。由于之前已经学过一般现在时,所以在制定教学步骤的过程中,通过和一般现在时进行比照,来掌握一般过去式的结构。




1、能正确的听、说、读、写词汇holiday, last, early, meet, before

能正确的听,说,读词汇fun, national day, a film, wonderful

2、能正确的听、说、句型what (else) did you do??we/i?

3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语和三会句型did you like the film?

it was a funny cartoon. we all liked it very much.。 were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.













预先写好课题unit 5 on the farm


step 1 greeting and warming-up

1、 t-ss greet.(师生问好,活跃课堂,拉近师生距离)

2、 t: look at this man, what’s his job?

ss: he is a farmer.

t: his name is macdonald. he has a beautiful farm.

before class, let’s listen to a song, it’s about macdonald and his farm.

step 2 presentation and practice

1、 teach: national day ,holiday, last

t: what day/date is it today?

出示cai指名回答these seven days is this week.(cai出示this week)

these seven days was last week.( cai出示last week)

t: what date was it?指名回答

t: yes. it was the first of october.

and it was the national day. (cai出示national day领读)

when national day comes ,we usually have a long holiday 。 i had a wonderful holiday.

2 。t:do you want to know what i did this national day holiday?

you can ask me what did you do?


3、活动:washed clothes, played computer games, watched a funny cartoon, went to my father’s farm.


t:ok, boys and girls. do you want to go to the farm?

ss: yes. cai出示农场里人们干活的场景

t:ok,here we are. now we’re on the farm.

what can we do on the farm?can you guess?指名回答cai出示

s1:milk cows.

t:great. i can’t milk cows. can you teach me?示意学生动作。

教师边动作边带领学生朗读milk cows同时出示词组贴到黑板上

t:what can we do?指名学生回答


t:good. collect eggs. (cai出示)师带领学生边做动作读词组。同时出示词组贴到黑板上

t:what else can we do?指名回答s3:?

t:right. water flowers.带领学生读短语。

t:what else can we water? it’s big and green.

ss:water trees.

t: good.出示词组water trees带领学生朗读,并将词组贴到黑板上。

t:what else can we water? it’s on the ground.指名回答

ss: water grass.看cai, t :what are these? they’re carrots.领读carrot出示单词图片pull up carrots

t: let’s pull up carrots.师带领学生做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。

t:what else can we do?


t:boys and girls, let’s pick oranges. boys ,you’re tall and strong, please stand up and pick oranges.


t:what are these? ss:they’re oranges.

t: do you want to taste my oranges?问几组学生,do you want to taste my oranges?

给学生分发橘子出示taste oranges单词图片let’s learn how to read it.带领学生读/ei/,/ei/,taste.

step 3 listen, read and say

1 。t: helen was on the farm last week. what did she do last week? let’s ask her together, ok? cai出示问题,引导学生提问,what did you do last week? cai出示答案。

t: what did she do last week? ss: she visited a farm?。

t: yes, helen visited a farm with her family on monday and tuesday.

do you want to visit a farm?出示词组visit a farm领读数遍,并将词组贴到黑板上。

t:helen visited a farm. here ed is pronounced /id/,领读visited,将ed贴到黑板上visit后面。

2、 t:what did helen do on monday? who can ask? cai出示,指名学生提问。

t: what did helen do on monday?引导学生一起回答,she watered trees.拿出ed/d/,领读短语数遍。并将后缀贴到黑板原词组后面。

t: what else did helen do? let me ask her.师问what else did you do on monday, helen?,please listen ! cai出示答案。

3、 t: what else did she do? together answer.

ss: she pulled up carrots.师出示ed/d/,领读单词,并将后缀贴到原来单词后面。

t: helen visited a farm on monday. she pulled up carrots and watered trees.贴图mon. how about tuesday? can you ask her? boys have a try.要求男生齐问。cai出示答案。

4、 t: what did she do on tuesday?

ss: she milked cows.出示ed/t/领读该词组,并将ed贴到原单词后面。

5、 t: what else did she do on tuesday?

ss: she collected eggs.

t: here ed is pronounced /t/,/d/ or/id/?which one?引导学生一起复述,helen visited a farm. on monday she watered trees and pulled up carrots.

t: how about tuesday?

ss: he milked cows and collected eggs.

6、 t: helen did a lot of things on a farm.

what else did she do on the farm? let’s watch the cartoon.出示cai,

t: what else did helen do on the farm?再次出示cai,提醒学生看屏幕。

ss: she picked oranges.师拿出ed,

t:who can add ed for us?指名,stick for us.领读picked oranges

t: she picked oranges and tasted them.师做动作表明品尝。which one?指名回答。

here ed is pronounced /id/ ,who can add for us?指名加后缀。

7、 t:were there any fruits on the farm?


t: were there any apple/pear/banana trees on the farm?学生齐答。引导学生齐说

ss: there were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.

t: nancy wants to go to the farm. so i think the farm is wonderful.(出示wonderful一词,领读)

8、 t: helen did a lot of things on the farm.

she had a wonderful holiday.

but her friend nancy also had a good time, what did she do last week?

let’s listen, read and choose. cai出示,学生听。

提供问题,what did nancy do last week? ok, you can choose. cai出示选项。师读三条选项。指名学生回答。

出示watch a film.词组领读。 here ed is pronounced /t/。指名读音素。并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。

9、 t: nancy watched a film with her family.

did she like the film?

did her family like the film?

yes, they all like the film very much.

t: let’s enjoy the whole cartoon.播放整篇课文录音。

do you like the cartoon? ss: yes.

t: it’s interesting. cai出示课文前言。

t:please read the narration and try to answer the questions. read by yourself.学生自读前言。

t:attention please. ok, show time. is the first day of school after the holiday today?指名回答,带领学生读体现该答案的原句。

10、 t: take out your books and turn to p38,let’s read after the tape, please try to imitate it.跟录音读。

跟读过程中教授fun出示单词卡片贴到黑板上出示cai,here are five sentences for you. read and judge, whether they’re true or false.要求学生拿出课前发的判断题,学生自己答题。

t: let’s check the answer.集体校对。提醒学生看黑板。

11、 t:look at the screen. here’re five pictures from the dialogue. i’d like to read it. i want to be helen. who wants to be nancy?指名一个学生与师示范朗读。

t:choose one picture which you like and practise it with your partner.学生选择一幅图操练指名学生朗读。

step 4 retell the dialogue

根据黑板上的短语,指名要求学生复述课文。 (通过复述课文,检查并培养了学生的理解能力和口语表达能力,调动了学生的理解,促进课堂学习效率。)

step 5 do a report

t: i had a good time this national day holiday.

please look at the screen.(cai)学生看视频表格,师描述自己的国庆节假期。

t: according to the things what i did, complete the passage. please take out the paper and write down the words.学生自己根据表格完成短文。



step 6 assign homework

1、 listen to the tape and read after it.

2、 copy the new words and phrases for three times.

3、 finish the story about your holiday


teaching aims and demands

words and phrases

four skills: protection technical import production method tie discovery garden gardening wisdom practical guide firstly condition remove generation depend on and so on

three skills: technique irrigation pump seed insect root golden sow soil weed sunflower

spoken english:

giving advice and making decisions

in my opinion you should … i think he is right …

if i were you … wouldn’t it be better if …?

we can’t do both, so… the other idea sounds better to me…

we have to make a choice ….

as far as i can see the best thing would be to …


the use of “it” (2): ----强调句中的某一成分

1. 强调主语

the children often help the parents do he farm work.

it is the children who often help the parents do the farm work.

2. 强调宾语

future agriculture should depend on high technology.

it is high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

3. 强调地点、时间等状语。

the farmers produced food for the whole population of china on this arable land.

it was high technology that future agriculture should depend on.

use of language:

help the students to finish the tasks of listening, reading, writing, speaking presented in the book and the exercise book through using what the students have known. learn the text modern agriculture and farming and gardening. get the students to feel the role the agriculture plays in our life and the effect of high technology in agriculture.

important points:

the way to give advice and make a decision.

difficult points: the use of “it”.

teaching aids: computer, tape-recorder

way of teaching: 交际法教学


step 1 warming up

ask the students to first study the graph in the book and make sure they understand what information it provides: the graph shows the growth of major farm productions over the period from 1991-1995 in relation to period from 1986-1990. what it shows in that for example for grain, the production in the four years from 1991-1995 was 10% more than in the four years from 1986-1990.

for answers to the question 1:

the produce for all products was higher than before. especially the produce of meat, fish and fruit has increased very sharply.

1. people are earning more money, so they want to buy and eat or meat.

2. people learn more about healthy food, so they want to eat more fruit.

3. eating fish doesn’t make people as fat as eating meat, so people like eating more fish.

for answers to the question 2

1. people want to buy different products, so farmers need to grow different things.

2. farmers want to make more money. when they can grow extra crops or other crops on their land or land which they can’t use to grow grain, they will for example plant fruit trees. in the end, they will bring more fruit trees.

for answers to the question 3

1. first, chinese people are eating more meat. next, farmers have to raise more pigs, sheep and cattle. so, more grass is needed to feed more sheep and cattle. so, farmers need more grassland. possibly, they will cut down trees to take more land on which to grow grass.

2. if farmers want to grow different crops they would plant them together. this can be very good for the soil.

step 2 listening

get the students to listen to the text and then check their answers.

answer to exercise 1: history of farming farmers in china protection of nature trees environmental problems dikes

answer to exercise 2: 1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. false

answer to exercise 3: 1. (all kinds of ) environmental problems 2. destroyed 3. floods 4. droughts 5. farming 6. go against nature 7. too wet 8. farming/growing wheat/growing crops 9. fishponds

step 3 speaking

first show the students some pictures of kinds of lands being used. when land is becoming scare, people in towns and villages may sometimes have different idea about the best way to use the land. often such conflicts are about the decision whether to use the land for building houses, factories and roads or as farmland.

then divide the students into groups of five, and let each student take one of the rules. there are five roles: a-d are all local farmers in the small village. role e plays as the leader.

step 4 homework

prepare a discussion for one of the topic in the exercise talking.


step 1 revision

get several students to present their discussion they prepared last class.

step 2 presentation

first show the students the pictures on their books. and then ask them to describe what they find in the pictures or what information they can get through comparing them in the two rows.

the answer may be: the first four pictures are ways that farmers used in agriculture in the past decades, while the last four are ways of modern farming.

it’s striking feature is the wide use of modern agriculture technique.

step 3 reading

ask the students to read the text

step 4 language points

1. it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

“it” 引导强调句。it无意义,只起语法作用。

jia sixie wrote a book called qimin yaoshu around 540 ad.

--- it was jia sixie who wrote a book called qimin yaoshu around 540 ad.

--- it was a book called qimin yaoshu that jia sixie wrote around 540 ad.

--- it was around 540 ad that jia sixie wrote a book called qinmin yaoshu.

------其结构:it + be + 强调部分 + that (人物用who/whom) +句子其他成分。

2. to make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.

(1) as … as possible 尽可能的….

we need to send the letter off as soon as possible.

hold your breath for as long as possible.

(2) where possible = where it is possible.

fill in the words in the blanks where necessary.

come to see her when possible.

3. 词组总结:bring in as well as protect … from a variety of over the years have an effect on make good money make use of in the 1980s be different from stand for in other words go against

step 5 interview

get one students to play as a scientist, then some students as reporters. the others students may ask the “scientist” to answer some questions they are interested in about gm.

step 6 homework

finish the exercise on page 108 in the talking part and the exercises 2 3 in the following part.

lesson 3

step 1.revision

check the homework.

step 2 word study

finish the exercise on page 108 as a test on the vocabulary.

and then complete the chart on p47, make sure the students know what they are expected the do.

step 3 grammar

first introduce the content about the use of “it”.


the use of “it”(2) for emphasis

it is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.

it was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.

step 4 practice

finish the exercises 1 2 in the following part.

step 5 workbook

finish the two exercises in the workbook.

step 6 homework

prepare some information for farming in china.

lesson 4

step 1 revision

get several students to report what they have prepared for the topic assigned last class.

step 2 presentation

get the students to finish the exercise 3 on p110 as an introduction of the text.

step 3 reading

ask the students to read the text and answer the questions below.

the answers are:

1. farmers should do things at the fight time of the year.

2. farmers should examine the soil carefully.

3. if the condition of the soil is not good, farmers should improve it.

4. before sowing or planting crops, farmers should clean rough ground and remove weeds.

5. farmers should let sheep or cattle (cows) walk on the land before sowing or planting crops.

6. farmers should plough the land, so weeds are destroyed.

7. when ploughing the land, farmers should plough deep the first time and less deep the second time.

8. farmers will get the best results i they change crops in their fields.

9. if farmers plant rice in a field one year, and wheat in that field the following year, they will harvest good crops.

10. if farmers plant wheat close together, they will have better results than when plant wheat leaving space between the plants.

11. it is good to grow different plants next to each other in the same field.

step 4 homework

ask the students to prepare a report about how to make a vegetable garden. here they may be told to use the library or internet.



本节课的教学内容是pep五年级上册第二单元的第一课时,主要学习词汇monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday和句子what day is it today ? what do we have on mondays ? ,,, 本节课的教学内容是星期和课程之间的联系,非常贴近学生的生活。学生在四年级下册已经学过课程的单词,本节课学习星期的单词后可以让学生开展看课程表互相问答的活动,这种活动能使学生在较真实的语境中锻炼语言交际能力,从而发展他们的语言思维能力,为后面的学习做好铺垫。


1、 五年级学生对英语学习已有一定的基础,对已经熟悉的英语知识有所感悟,具备语言学习和交流的欲望。


3、tuesday, wednesday, thursday等单词拼写难度较大,教师要采取灵活多样的方式进行教学,以减轻学生学习的难度和保持学生学习的欲望和兴趣。


1、能够听、说、读、写单词:monday , tuesday , wednesday , thursday , friday 。

2、能听懂问句:what day is it today ? what do we have on mondays ?并能做出正确回答。








2、技能目标:能根据指令做动作,练习并运用所学的单词,从而提 高学生综合运用语言的能力。

3、情感目标:增加学生对英语学习的信心和兴趣,培养学生有兴趣听英语,乐于模仿,敢于开口 ,积极参与的情感态度。


教学重点:学生能听、说、认、读单词boat、kite、plane、 ballooon.

教学难点:能根据指令做出相应的动作,单词kite的发音 。




t: good morning,boys and girls. (面带微笑并打手势)

ss:good morning miss chen. t:how are you?(教师双手摊开)

ss:fine, thank you.

t:sit down., please.(手势示意学生坐下)


2、count the numbers from 1 to 10 and 10 to 1。 t: do you remember the numbers ? ss:yes. t:let’s count from 1 to 10, ok ? ss:ok. (师生共做手势共数) t:great ! let’s count from 10 to 1 , ok ? ss:ok.



3、 sing the song “ten little candles dance”。 t:let’s sing the song “ten little candles dance”。 (师生跟随音乐共唱共做动作)




t:(指着黑板上的花树)look!i prepared a big flower tree and some flowers . (并拿出花给学生看)the red one stands for croup1 . the pink one stands for group the yellow one stands for group

(边说边 向学生示意)ok ? ss:ok. t: let’s go on .


2、let’s learn

t:this class we’ll learn some toys . let’s watch .

(1) boat:

老师示范发音两遍(用手势示意学生静听)后让学生跟读。 draw a boat on the blackboard . t: what ? ss:

it’s a boat .

教师拿起词卡,教此单词并操练。(read it one by one, group by group. together. 师声高(低)生声低(高) or hiding game )

(2)ball:t:let’s go on!watch ! what’s this ?


draw a ball on the bb . ast : what this?

ss: it’s a ball .


老师示范 发音和动作bounce the ball

教师拿起事先准备好的球,边教边做动作边操练。 (teach the other words in the same way)

(3) balloon: 老师示范动作:blow up the balloons .

教师拿出事先准备好的三个气球 t : what are these ? ss:

balloons . t : yes . let’s blow up the balloons .

(喊三名学生到前面,即一个组一名,比赛,下面的学生喊 blow up the balloons ,台上面的三名学生开始吹,到老师喊停的那一刻,看哪个组的学生把气球吹的,即可为本组赢得一支花。)

用同样的方法教授kite car doll plane依次出示图片。



( let’s play ) missing game :

1、教师拿起准备好的七样物品,逐一问一遍: t:what’s this ? ss:it’s a t:close your eyes.(教师示范,学生闭眼,教师快速藏起一物品问) now , open your eyes . what’s missing ? 看哪一组的学生说的又快又准,即可为本组赢得一支花。

[设计意图]:missing game 能让学生在最短的时间里把他们的注意力迅速的集中起来,即操练了新单词,又增强了他们敢说、想说英语的兴趣,同时奖励措施的实施,把他们的兴趣提到了点,增强了他们说的能力。

matching game :

2、教师拿起事先准备好的词卡,快速逐一出示并问:t:what ? 进行抢答游戏,说对此单词的同学就能赢得此词卡,并为本组赢得一支花。

t:now . let’s play a matching game .(教师用手势示意,指着下面的学生)you say:boat boat go go go (指着台上的拿着词卡的七位学生),you match the words with the right pictures(用手势做一贴的动作)ok ? ss:ok.

3、 please look at the blackboard . let’s check their answers . 师生逐个看一遍,对贴对的同学教师可奖励小贴士。

[设计思路]: listening and guessing game t:let’s listen and guess . what’s this ? (放碟) a:在lily 老师问what’s this ?之后按暂停键,教师让学生举手猜。 b:放碟,订正学生的答案(说对的学生可为本组赢一支花) [设计思路及资源应用分析]:三年级的学生天生好奇、好动,通过资源中听声音来让学生猜物品,不仅可以从视觉上给学生带来全新的刺激,更能从听觉上对学生进行全新的体验,轻而易举的把学生感官系统充分的调动起来了。

let’s do t:next ’s listen and do . 老师说第一遍的时候,让学生坐在位置上跟读(让学生从语言中感知)。 老师说第二遍的时候,让学生静听(让学生从语言和动画中感知)。 老师说第三、四遍的时候,让学生站起来边拍手边做动作(让学生自己动起来,从亲身体验中感知语言)。


4、let’s check t:now please take out your pictures .

let’s listen and color them . (放碟学生边听边涂色) t:now check your answers . (听音,检查答案) are you right ? ss:yes . t:look at your pictures . let’s read after it .(让学生跟读)

let’s chant。

let’s talk。


5、wrap up

(1) t:what have we learnt in this class . let’s watch .

t:are you clear ? ss:yes . t:after class please say these words to your parents . ok ? ss:ok.

(2)t:this class . which group is winner ? let's count .(师生共数)group1(2、3):one two , which group is winner ? ss:group 2 .(1、3) t:let’s clap for them . ok . ss:ok . (师生共拍) t:so much for this class . bye . s:see you.


四、design of the bb:

unit 6 happy birthday ! boat ball kite plane car doll

















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
