28写作材料 >工作计划


























































it’s amy’s t-shirt? no,it isn’t.

what colour is sam’s t-shirt? it’s red.



三、practice 趣味操练、巩固新知

用多媒体课件呈现prat 3 的四幅图片,图下面分别注明ms smart’s sweater lingling’s skirt amy’s skirt sam’s trousers分别显示。老师问学生答或者学生问学生答,来练习句型is this ms smart’s sweater? yes,it’s hers./no,isn’t hers.

这一句型也是本课的重点,是一种否定表达方法。这样师生合作完成教学曾今了师生之间的感情达到了师生互动、生生互动的效果。 本环节通过反复练习巩固并掌握了所学知识,小组合作联系培养了学生的合作交流能力。

四、consoludation 拓展延伸



五、summary and homework




1、 能够听、说、读、写单词或短语hospital、cinema、bookstore、science museum、post office.

2、 能够听说认读句型where is the cinema?it’s next to the bookstore?并进行关键词的替换练习。

3、 初步了解合成词的相关知识。

4、 初步学会如何问路和指路。

5、 会唱歌曲《where is the hospital?》


1、 掌握let’s learn部分的四会单词和短语。

2、 准确书写四会单词和三会单词museum的发音。

3、 掌握句型where is the cinema?it’s next to your bookstore?并进行关键词的替换练习。





1、 greeting

2、 let’s sing

3、 复习短语

4、 用句子where is the book?it’s……。复习介词in、on、under、near。


1、①出示一本有趣的书,说自己想读,问学生where can i go?i can go to the bookstore。引出单词bookstore。教读,板书,指名学生读。

②出示书店和学校图片,t:where is the bookstore?

s:it’s near the school。再次出示书店和学校图片t:where is the bookstore?s:it’s next to the school。

引出短语next to教读,板书句子,教读。

③问一排学生,where is he\she?练习句型it’s next to……。

④let’s chant

2、①在书店看到一本关于机器人的书,想看机器人,t:where can i go?i can go to the science museum。教读,并板书。重点教读museum的发音。



a:where is the ……。?

b:it’s next to ………。

3、①看到有趣的机器人,想到一部电影,想去看,应该去哪?t:where can i go?i can go to the cinema。引出cinema教读、板书。



t:where can i go?i can go to the hospital。引出hospital,教读板书

② let’s chant

5、①这是好的一天也是坏的一天,想把自己的经历告诉自己的朋友,于是写了一封信,想去寄信,t:where can i go?i can go to the post office。引出post office,教读板书

② let’s chant


②listen and repeat

③role play

7、小结:compand word


1、 throwing the dice(掷骰子说骰子上的单词)

2、 big lucky wheel(幸运大转盘。用转盘指针指出的单词两人做对话)

3、 group work(三人一组)


a:is there a……in your city?

b:yes,there is.

a:where is the……。.?

b:it’s ……。.

b:is there a……in your city?

c:yes,there is.

b:where is the……。.?

c:it’s ……。.


1、 listen to the mucic

2、asking and giving directions


1、copy english words three times


2、design your own favorite imaginary city 。use the sentences we‘ve learned lesson to talk about it 。



1、能够听、说、认读let’s read部分的对话并正确回答对话后的问题。







sing the song “i went on a holiday”



how tall are you now ?

how tall were you in grade 1 ?

how heavy are you now ?

how heavy were you at seven years old ?


this is our last term 。you’ve known many teachers andclassmates 。who’s your best friend ? ……


let’s read

(1)教师说:boys and girls ,you are students in grade 6 now 。you will leave soonand study in a middle school 。so we are going to have a farewell party nextweek 。教师板书a farewell party 领读几遍,提问:

what shall we bring for the party ?

启发学生回答:food ,drinks ,gifts ……

(2)教师继续问:would you like to give performances at the party ?

what can you do ?

回答:i can sing \dance 、、、


(4)教师放let’s read 对话的录音,学生分角色朗读对话。

5、 read and tick or cross

(1)教师说:you can invite your parent to the party 。

you can invite your teachers ,too.然后,展示一张很大的英语请柬,说look ,this is aninvitation 。can you read it ?学生齐读请柬上的内容。



6、 巩固和延伸










3、复习一些礼貌用语和习惯表达,如:how about…? what about…? can you come with me? what do you have for dinner this evening? let me and have a look.等。


lesson115 ppt教学演示


step 1 revision

[课件演示]值日生duty report。


step 2 presentation

[课件演示]引出今日新单词:pork。也可根据学生的水平适当补充一些新单词。如:大酬宾销售 bargain sales 销价20% 20% off 甩卖 reduction sales

step 3 read and act

听录音一遍后问学生:where are they?

听录音一遍后问学生: what does tom want to buy? what else? how many? how much are they?


step 4 practice










step 5 listen and answer

做workbook p.145


blackboard handwriting

unit 29 shopping


new words: pork how much is the meat? it’s 10 yuan a kilo.bargain sales

useful expressions:20% off

how much is it? it is …yuan a bag / bottle / kilo?reduction sales

how much are they? the are …a kilo.

how many / how much do you want?

i. analysis of the teaching material

1、 status and function

the topic of this unit is about food. the students will learn how to order food or

take-away. in this unit, the students will be able to use “would like” to express their need

for food and learn how to ask others‟ information and provide their personal information

during the process.

2、 teaching aims and demands

1)。 knowledge objects

a. to master how to order food or take-away;

b. to master the modal verb “would” and “what” questions.

c. to master the usage of countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

2)。 ability objects

d. to use “would like” to talk about the need for food.

e. to improve students‟ ability of communication and social practice.

3)。 sensibility objects:

let the students experience the happiness of learning english, cultivate their ability

to do things and foster the spirit of cooperation in group activities.

3、 teaching difficult points and focus:

1)to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns.

2)to learn how to order food.

3)to use “would like” to express their need for food and learn how to order food.

ii. target language

1) what would you/he/they like to eat?

i‟d /he‟d /they‟d like some.。.

2) what kind of noodles would you/he/they like?

i‟d/he‟d /they‟d like beef and tomato noodles

iv. vocabulary

noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, tomato, cabbage,carrot, dumplings, porridge, soup, green tea, orange juice, would like…

v. teaching time

45 minutes

vi. teaching procedures

step 1. warm up.

1) show some pictures about sports and let the students answer the questions below:

after doing these sports, what‟s your feeling?

are you tired ?

are you hungry?

2) let the students thinking the question: if you are hungry, what would you like to eat?

3) show some pictures of food that they have learned.

step 2. lead into.

1)t: “no food left! but don‟t worry, let‟s go to the restaurant to have a big meal.

look! what can you see in the restaurant?

yes, there are many kinds of food there. you can choose whatever you like”。

2)show the new words.


a: what kind of vegetables/meat/food/drink would you like?

b: i‟d like some…

let the students to learn the names of food and the countable and uncountable nouns. let the students make some dialogue.

step 3. let’s chant.

step 4. noodle house.

1) show some pictures about noodle specials.

meat+vegetables → special2…。

(let the students to guess the meaning of the word „special‟)

2) make dialogue

a: what kind of noodles would you like?

b: i‟d like…and…noodles.

step 5. pairwork and guessing game

1) pairwork 。 (make dialogues.)

2) game: who is the winner?

ask a boy and a girl come before the blackboard, and then ask two students to make a

dialogues. the boy or the girl who find the right special will win one score…。after

some pairwork, see who is the winner? the boy or the girl.

3) guessing game.

step 6. role play (in the nodle house)

a customer and a waiter. (make a dialogue)

let the students express their need for food and learn how to order food.

step 7. summary

step 8. apothegm

step 9 a flash → “i’m hungry”

learn the song.

step 10. homework


一、说教材(教材分析) analyzing teaching material

1、 说课型 lesson type (dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)

2、 本课在教材中的地位 status and function

lesson 33 saving the earth is a dialogue. the lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of supposition/ intentions/ conjecture/ prohibition. since it is a dialogue / reading. it’s helpful to improve the ss communicative/ reading ability.

3、 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline

(teaching syllabus: language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; reading is for information, for fun; use top- down model or bottom- up model to activate ss schemata; interactive model)

4、 说教学目标和要求 teaching aims and demands (…be intended for ss in key schools)

1)认知目标 knowledge objects

a. enable the ss to remember the following new words & phrases:

damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into

b. get the ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:

if the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left…

give the ss a reinforced practice on the functional item supposition.

c. activate ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help ss to know more about the problem of pollution.

2)智能目标 ability objects

a. ask the ss to make up a similar dialogue.

b. help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.

c. develop their ability of thinking independently.

d. cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.

e. train them to collect information from the internet.

f. train them with some effective learning methods to optimize ss’ learning results.

3)德育目标 moral objects

a. arouse their interest in learning english;

b. help them to understand the background of pollution.

c. enable the students to love our earth and the nature.

d. be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.

e. encourage the ss to do something to save the earth.

5、 说教学重点 teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能)

a. new words and phrases

b. sentence pattern: if- clause

c. improve their reading skills.

d. talking about problems of the earth.

6、 说教学难点 teaching difficult points (语法;发展交际能力)

a. functional item: supposition.

b. develop their communicative ability. act out their own dialogue.

7、 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, ohp)

the teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. it’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. it can also make the ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. at the same time, it arouses the ss’ interest in learning english.

二、说教法 teaching methods

five step method; audio-video; communicative approach;

task-based learning: new syllabus design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. tblt can stimulate ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. make the ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.

三、说学法 study methods

1、 teach ss how to be successful language learners.

2、 teach ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;

3、 get the ss to form good learning habits.

四、说教学过程teaching procedures

i. 复习 (revision) 5min (daily report; 词汇diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)

activity 1: imagination

1)。 suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (wash it? or throw it away?)

2)。 suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done?

3)。 suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done?

4)。 and suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done?

_what can you think of when you see “pollution” this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate.。. try to activate the ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)

ii. 呈现 (presentation) 5min

activity 2: presentation

play the song “earth song” sung by michael jackson. (create an atmosphere)

a lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.

ss’ presentation on pollution. attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.

_activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.

iii. 对话 / 阅读 (dialogue)18m

1、 pre- reading

activity 3: prediction

1st listening/ fast reading, one guided q to help ss to get the main idea:

what do you think is discussed at the conference?

2、 while- reading

activity 4: read and answer

2nd listening/ careful reading, more qs to get the detailed information. develop their reading skills: skim & scan. pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.

_阅读: pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 识别关键词key words;确定主题句;创设信息差information gap;t or f; 填表格chart/diagram; predicting; make a timeline; make a story map。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。so that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)

3、 post- reading

activity 5: language focus

while ss are answering the qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.

a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing

d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause

iv. 操练 (practice) 10m

activity 6: retell

use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.

activity 7: acting out

activity 8: drill – supposition

purpose: practise the functional item of supposition. (p. 33 part 2; p.113, wb ex. 3)

(retell; act out; role play)

v. 巩固 (consolidation) 6m

(discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz)

activity 9: role play

suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.

_the ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc.

activity 10: discussion

think of the question: are we causing damage to the world?

what should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?

collect their answers and form a report.

vi. 作业 (homework) 1m (writing; continue the story; recite; retell)

write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.

period one





step one :present the sentence patterns.

1、 play a game “how many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)

teacher: after the study of the first three starters, i think most of the students must have known a lot of words. how many words do you know? let’s play a game to see who know? let’s play a game to see who knows the most.

(divide all the students into several groups and show a picture(图片略)to them with the computer. every group can choose two students to join. they are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)

(group 2 is the champion group. they can write 11 words.)

2、 introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近生活,学生易于接受)

teacher: congratulations, now group 2 is the champion. but i don’t know your names. would you like to introduce yourselves to us?

s1& s2:yes.

s1:hello.my name is li lei. nice to meet you.

ss: hello, li lei. nice to meet you ,too.

ss: hello! what’s your name?

s2:i’m sun ping. how do you do?

ss: how do you do ?

step two: drills.

1、 make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学的句式。)

teacher: the new term begins. everyone will meet many new classmates. do you want to make friends with them? if your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.


sa: hello! i’m li lei. what’s your name?

sb: my name’s zhang feng. nice to meet you.

sa: nice to meet you, too. and what’s your name, please?

sc: lin li. how do you do?

sa:how do you do?

2、 listen and number the conversations.

teacher: today i have good news for you. three new students will come to our class. they are from other countries. do you want to know them? let’s listen to the recording of 1b in section a.

(students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

step three: make friends.

1、 make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更容易向学生进行美德教育。)

teacher: now everyone has some new friends. do you want others to know them? do you want more friends? let’s introduce our new friends to others, ok?

ss: ok.


sa: this is my new friend. his name is sun nan.

sb: hello, sun nan. nice to meet you.

sc: nice to meet you, too. look! this is my new friend. her name is he lu.

ss: how do you do?

sd: how do you do?

(students can stand up and introduce their friends to others freely. they can greet each other warmly. everyone in the class can have more friends. they can also know something else about them.)

2、 the new comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)

teacher: just now i said three new students from other countries would come to our class. now, look! they are here. let’s give them a warm welcome.

(three “foreign”students come in and all the students clap warmly.)

teacher: it’s their first time to come to china. would you like to listen to their introductions?

ss: yes.

(three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)

step three: sum up.

some students are asked to sum up this lesson. it is how to make new friends and how to greet them. it is very important in the daily life.


“how do you meet new visitors at home?

period two





step one: revise the sentence patterns.

1、 sing an english song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了所学内容。)

teacher: yesterday we’ve known each other already. do you remember your new friends’names? if you do, let’s sing the song “what’s your name?”。

hello! hello! what’s your name? my name’s gina.

hello! hello! what’s his name? his name’s peter.

hello! hello! what’s her name? her name’s anna.

2、 listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.

teacher: yesterday i made a new friend. her name is jenny. she is very lovely. she introduces many friends of hers to me. do you want to know about them? let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.

(students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)

3、 act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,更贴近生活。)

teacher: now you’ve known something about introductions and greetings. but if you are in other places, how do you introduce yourself and greet others? look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?

(students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)


(at a party)

sa: hello! i’m lucy green. what’s your name?

sb: my name is kate brown, jim’s classmate. nice to meet you.

sa: nice to meet you, too. i’m jim’s sister. welcome to jim’s birthday party. make yourself at home.

sb: thanks, i will.

step two: choose english names.

1、 play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)

teacher:as we know, everyone has a name. each name has its special meaning and so do english names. do you want to have an english name? if you do, let’s play a name game. the winners of the game will get english names.

rules: every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.


s1: my name’s tony.

s2: his name’s tony. my name’s linda.

s3: his name’s tony. her name’s linda. my name’s nick.

s4: his name’s tony. her name’s linda. his name's nick. my name's kim.


2、 choose english names.

1)。find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)

teacher: congratulations to the winners. now you choose english names from the box. but before you choose names, you must know english names have two parts: first name and last name. look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?

language goals

in this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences and give reasons,

new language

why do you like koala bears?。 because they're cute,they're pretty interesting, they're kind of shy, they're very big.

names of animals such as tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin

description words such as smart, cute, intelligent

names of countries: australia, south africa,

recycled language

between, across from

he's/she's from 。.。 he's / she's five years old.

name of countries; china, japan, brazil

section a

additional materials to bring to class:

coins or other markers for the bingo game in 4.

ask students to name as many animals as they can in english. write the list on the board,

ask students to describe each animal in some way.they may tell its color or tell if it is big or small.

say, today we are going to learn the names of some more animals. well also leam how to say which ones we like and tell why we like them.

la this activity introduces the key vocabulary.

focus attention on the map of the zoo showing pictures of animals. ask students to point to and name any animals they can.

point to the animals one by one and say the name of each. ask students to repeal.

point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.

then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. say, write the letter of each animal in the blank by that animal's name. point out the sample answer.

check the answers.

1 b this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

point to the animals in 1a- ask students to point to and name the animals.

say, i'm going to play recordings of three conversations. listen carefully as you look at the words in la.put a checkmark in front of the name of each animal you hear.

play the recording the first time. students only listen.

play the recording a second time. this time students check each animal name they hear.

correct the answers.

1 c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the example conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it to the class. answer any questions they may have.

point out the four description words. ask a student to read them aloud. review the meaning of each word.

say, now you can make conversations about animals.your conversations can be like the example. use these description words.

ask students to work in pairs. have them take turns saying both parts.

if students need help getting started, demonstrate another conversation with a student. for example:

teacher: let's see the elephant.

student: why do you want to see the elephant?

teacher: because it's very smart.

ask some students to present their conversations to the class.

2a this activity provides listening practice using the target language.

call attention to the two blank lines on the left. say,you will hear a recording of a conversation. listen carefully. then write the names of the two animals you hear on these lines.

play the recording the first time. students only listen.

play the recording a second time. this time students write in the names of the animals.

check the answers.

point out the adjectives listed on the right. ask a student to say the words.

say, now i will play the recording again. this time draw a line between each animal and the adjective you hear.

play the recording and have students match each animal with an adjective.

correct the answers.

2b this activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the conversation and the blank lines in it say, you will hear the recording again. this time please write a word from the box on each blank line. some words can be used more than one time.

ask a student to read the words in the box.

play the recording. check to see that students are writing a word from the box on each line of the conversation.

go over the answers.

2c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the conversation in the picture. ask two students to read it to the class.

say, now you can have conversations like this one.use the words in box 1, box 2, and box 3 in your conversations.

demonstrate a conversation with a student. for example:

student: do you like penguins?

teacher: yes, i do.

student: why?

teacher: because they're very cute.

3a this activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point to and say the names of the three countries on the maps and ask students to repeat

point to the three animals and ask a student to name them.

say, now draw a line between each animal and the country it comes from.

correct the answers.

3b this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

point to the conversation in the picture. ask a pair of students to read it to the class.

ask students to work in pairs. say, now you can talk about where animals come from. point to the map and animals students matched up in 3a-

say, work with a partner. take turns asking and answering questions about the countries and animals in 3a.

after a few minutes, ask several pairs to say the conversation for the class.

section b

additional materials to bring to class:

pictures of household pets and zoo animals cut out of magazines for follow-up activity 1.

1 this activity introduces more key vocabulary,

call attention to the animals in the picture and ask a student to say the name of each one.

point out the list of eight numbered adjectives at the top.

say, now please match the adjectives at the top with the animals in the picture. write the letter of the animal on the line after the adjective. point out the sample answer.

as students work, move around the room offering to answer questions as needed.

correct the answers-

2a this activity provides listening practice with the target language.

say, now i will play a recording of a conversation between tony and maria. this time circle the adjectives you bear on the list for la.

play the recording again. students circle the adjectives they hear.

correct the answers.

2b this activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the three headings. animal, maria's words and tony's words, and the write-on lines under each.

say, now i will play the recording again. this time please write the name of the animals each person talks about and the words they say.

play the first four lines of recording and stop the tape. ask, what animal are they talking about? (the elephant) what words does maria use to describe the elephant? (interesting, intelligent)

point out the write-on lines where students can write these words.

play the whole recording and have students write the words they hear on the chart.

check the answers.

3 this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the dialogue next to the picture. ask two students to read it to the class.

say, work in pairs. use sentences like these to say what you think about different animals.

demonstrate the activity with one or two students. for example, say, i like dolphins. they're intelligent.

ask students to work in pairs. as they work, move around the room checking on progress.

ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class.

3a this activity provides reading practice using the target language.

point out the three descriptions of animals. ask students to take turns reading one aloud.

then draw attention to the pictures of animals below.say, write the letter of the animal in the blank lines above its description. there is one animal that is not described.

check the answers.

3b this activity introduces some new vocabulary words and provides reading and writing practice using the target vocabulary.

call attention to the pictures of animals in 3a, and draw attention to the grass, leaves, and meat. ask a student to explain each word or use it in a sentence to show he or she understands what it means. teach the expression sleeps.

point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing. read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank line.

point out the six words in the box. say, you can write these words in the blanks. use each word only once.

as students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.

check the answers.

3c this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language,

say, now you can write a description like the one in 3b. you can use some of the same words. write about any animal you like.

you may wish to do a sample description with the class. choose an animal's name and write it on the board. then ask students to make statements about the each statement and then write on the board. you can ask leading questions such as. is it big? is it lazy? does it eat grass?

ask students to write their own descriptions. you may wish to have less fluent students work with a more fluent partner,

ask students to share their writing with others in the class.

after you have reviewed the students' work, you may wish to have some students recopy their work so that you can post it on the classroom bulletin hoard.

language goal

in this unit, students learn to talk about jobs.

new language

what do you do? i'm a reporter

what does he do.' he's a student.

what do you want to be? i want to be an actor 。

what does she want to be? she wants to be a police officer

names of jobs and professions

section a

brainstorm with students a list of jobs that friends or relatives do. ("brainstorming" is an activity in which you set a topic and students say whatever words they can think of relating to that topic.) write the word jobs on the board and list all the jobs students mention.

point to the jobs one by one and ask students to say what ever they can about these jobs. accept single word answers or simple sentences such as, it's fun. it's a good job.

la this activity introduces the key vocabulary.

focus attention on the art. ask students to tell what they see in each scene. ask students to name as many of the jobs shown as they can. then point to a scene, name the job, and ask students to repeat.

point to the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.

then ask students to match each word wllfa one of the scenes. say, write the letter of each scene next to one of the ivords. point to the sample answer.

1 b this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

point to the different people shown in the picture.ask various students to tell what they do as you point to each one,

say, now you will hear three conversations. the conversations are about three of the people in this picture.

play the recording the first time. students only listen.

play the recording a second time. this time ask students to write a number 1 next to the person being talked about in conversation 1. have students put a 2 and 3 next to the people being talked about in conversations 2 and 3.

correct the answers.

1 c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language-

ask a student to read the example conversation with you. hold up the book and point to the doctor in the picture.

say, now work with your partner. make your own conversations about the picture. you can use sentences like the ones in activity 1b.

say a dialogue with a student. point to a picture of one of the people. guide the student to answer using one of the words in activity 1a.

as students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. oner language or pronunciation support as needed.

2a this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

ask students to look at the three pictures. ask different students to tell you what they sec in each picture. what are the people doing? what jobs do they have?

play the recording the first time. students only listen.say, you will hear conversations about the people in these pictures.

play the recording a second time. say, write the number of each conversation below the picture of the person being talked about.

correct the answers.

2b this activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

point to the three headings in the chart and read the headings to the class. ask students, what does "wants to be" mean? (it is not the job the person lias now. it is the job the person wants in the future.)

play the recording the first time. students only listen.say, you wiu hear about the people in these pictures. you will hear the job they haw now and the job they want in the future.

play the recording a second time. this time ask students to fill in the blanks with the jobs the people have now and the ones they want in the future. point out the sample

2c this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

point out the pictures in activity 2a. ask who each person is. (they are susan's brother. anna's mother, and tony's father.)

say, now work with your partner. ask and answer questions about the pictures. ask, "what does he or she do?" then ask, "what does he or she want to be?"

say a dialogue with a student. point to anna's mother and then to the example in the speech balloons. practice the dialogue with a student.

as students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. offer language support as needed.

3a this activity introduces the names for the places where people work, and gives reading practice using the target language.

call attention to the pictures. ask students to read the name for each place. as they name each place, write the word on the board and-ask the class to repeat it.

point out the list of jobs with the numbers next to each. then call attention to the people in the pictures and the speech bubbles. point out the sample answer and have a student read out the speech bubble.

ask students to work alone. say, write the number of each job in the square next to each workplace.

check the answers.

3b this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

point out the pictures in activity 3a. ask students to name the workplace shown in each picture.

then point out the conversation in the speech bubbles. ask two students to read it to the class.

say, wow work with a partner. first practice the conversation in the picture. then make new conversations. use jobs and places from activity 3a.

say a dialogue with a student. point to the word waiter in activity 3a and then to the picture of the restaurant. ask a student. where does he work? guide the student to answer using the correct place: he works in a restaurant.then ask. what does he do? and guide the student to answer, he's a waiter.

as students work in pairs, move around the room monitoring their work. offer language support as needed.

4 this activity provides listening and speaking practice using the target language.

call attention to the pictures in the book showing how to play the game. say, you will draw a picture of someone working. other students will ask questions about the kind of job you are drawing. after two questions someone can try to guess the job.

demonstrate by drawing a picture on the board of a stick figure reporter. add details (microphone, notebook,etc.) until st chayi5.co chayi5.com mudents guess what job it is.

ask a student to go to the board. say, draw a picture of a person working. if necessary, help the student add details that show the job the person is doing. he or she can add a bank interior to show that the person is a bank clerk. a student could also use an eye chart on the wall to show that the place is a doctor's office and the person is a doctor.

ask two different students to ask questions about the job, and then ask a third student to guess what job it is.

play the game using drawings by several different students.

alternative: if you do not want students to move from their seats, then you can ask them to do this activity sitting down in groups of four. they will need pieces of paper on which to draw their pictures. they will also need pencils.

section b

new language

words that describe jobs, such as exciting, dangerous,boring, difficult, busy, fun

additional materials to bring to class:

help wanted ads from an english-language newspaper

1 a this activity introduces the key vocabulary.

focus attention on the six pictures. ask, what job does the person have? where does the person ivnrk?

point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat. then use simple explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. for example, exciting means very interesting and very fast-moving. a police officer has an exciting job. the job is always changing. something is always happening. for dangerous you might say, dangerous means not safe. you might be hurt or killed in a dangerous job.

then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. say, write the letter of each picture next to one of the words. point out the sample answer.

check the answers.

1 b this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

call attention to the picture in this activity and ask a student to read the statement to the class. then point to the picture of the police officer and say. it's an exciting job. ask the class to repeat. then say, what else can you say about being a police officer? someone may answer, it's a dangerous job. ask the class to repeat each correct answer.

then ask students to work in pairs. suggest that they each point to the pictures of the workers and make statements about them. as students practice, move around the classroom monitoring their work.

1 c this activity provides an opportunity for oral practice.

say, name some of the jobs from this unit. write this list of jobs on the board. say, can you name some other jobs? add any new jobs to the list.

ask some students to make statements about jobs on the list using the words in activity la. you may wish to write some of the sentences on the board so that students can copy the sentences into their notebooks.

2a this activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language.

call attention to the two headings and ask a student to read die headings to the class.

point out the blank lines where students will write the name of a job (under the words wants to be)。

play ihe recording the first time. students only listen.

say, now i will play the tape again. this time write the name of a job under the words "wants to be."

2b this activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language,

call attention to the second heading and ask a student to read it to the class. say, this time you will unite why each person wants the job.

play the recording again. students only listen.

then say, now i will play the tape again. this time write the reason the person wants the job under the word "why?"

play the recording. students write their answers.

check the answers.

2c this activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

say, what do you want to be? what words describe each job? help the class make up a list of jobs they might like to do. as students suggest possible jobs, ask the class to suggest words to describe them. use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary, to find the names of jobs and words to describe each one.

then ask students to work in small groups. they tell each other what they want to do and why. encourage students to use dictionaries if necessary. move from group to group offering assistance as needed.

ask individual students to tell the class about what they want to be and why.

3a this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the three newspaper ads and read these ads to the class. say blank each time you come to a blank line.

then read each ad again separately, pausing to allow students to ask questions about anything they don't understand. for example, in the first ad, students may not know that working late means "working at night." to work hard means to use a lot of energy to do the job.

ask students to fill in (he blanks in the ads using the words actor, reporter, and waiter.

check the answers.

3b this activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

call attention to the newspaper ad and ask a student to read it, saying blank for each blank line.

ask students to fill in the blanks using words from this section. say,look at the pictures next to each blank line. the pictures will help you guess the correct word.suggest that they look at the names of jobs and the words that describe jobs in the first part of section b.

check the answers,

3c this activity provides writing practice using the target


point out the blank strip of newspaper where students can write their own ads.

ask one or two students, what are you going to write about? repeat each of the students' sentences and ask the class to repeat the sentences after you. for example: do ^om want an interesting but dangerous job? do you want to meet new people? we need a police officer.call the smithtown police station at 555-2323.

ask students to read their ads to a partner. ask the pairs to correct each other's work.

4 this activity provides guided oral practice using the

target language.

ask two students to read the conversation in the speech bubbles. answer any questions students may have about it.

then say, new please work in groups. ask efuestions to find out what jobs each person wrote about. you can use sentences like the ones we just read.

as students ask questions, move from group to group. rephrase any incomplete or incorrect questions.also rephrase any inaccurate answers.


1、写课题(topic)和课型(lesson type)

课题相当于文章的标题,讲课时要首先告诉学生,并写在黑板上。因此要写得准确。课型是指该节课的讲授类型。初中英语的主要课型有::新授课(new lesson)、巩固课(reinforcement lesson)、复习课(revision lesson)、语音课(phonetic lesson)、听力课(listening lesson)、听说课(aural-oral lesson)、阅读课(reading lesson)、语法课(grammar lesson)等。不同的课型应用不同的授课方式或方法,只有确定了课型,才能选择有效的素质教育教学方法。

2、写教学目标(teaching objective)


3、写教学的重点(main/focal points)、难点(difficult points)和关键点(key points)


4、写教具(teaching tools)


5、写教学过程(teaching procedure)


a、 写教学环节。教学环节即教学任务是什么要写清楚,做到心中有数。目前有些教师采用"三阶段六环节"教学模式,即:准备阶段(自由交流、复习检查)、讲练阶段(导入课程、分层操练)和发展阶段(巩固发展、布置作业)。

b、 写知识点和所用时间。写好知识点,教师使用教案时能一目了然,有的放矢。写好所用时间,能使教师从容掌握教学速度,合理安排每个教学环节所需的时间,充分利用课堂时间。

c、 写教师活动。不仅要写教师"教什么",还要写出教师"怎样教",即写清楚教师要教的内容,写出讲授这些内容的方法。写出课堂用语和各环节的过渡语。课堂用语要求简练、口语化,用学生已经学过的熟悉的、听得懂的英语来解释或表达新的教学内容。各环节之间的过渡语要自然流畅。写出使用教具的时机和方法,写板书内容等。

d、 写学生活动。写出学生学习的内容和学习方法,特别是怎样学应写清楚。不能简单地把学生活动写成听、读、思考、操练、做题等。

















































本单元是——( 下 ) unit —。主要围绕""这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出_____等语言功能。本单元旨在创造一个轻松,愉快的学习,交流环境,通过听,说,读,写来培养学生综合运用这些知识的能力。并让学生能在"做中学"(learning by doing),通过有限的课堂实践活动,拓展以往的经历,能准确地用英语来表达。






根据《英语课程标准》(实验稿)关于总目标的具体描述,结合本单元这部分的教学内容及基于对教材的分析,我对本单元的内容进行如下处理,目的是突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,衔贯。本单元分为四课时,第一课时是section a,第二课时是section b, 第三课时是self check, 第四课时是——,最后一部分是 做练习,以学生的自测为主,然后予以校对。


























(1)——是初中非常重要的语法项目,而本单元的话题源自生活,立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,让他们讲述去过的国家或地方,创设生活化的真实情境引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学, 在用中学,学了就用)。



unit 9

the first period (section a)

step 1 warming up

("良好的开端是成功的一半", 因此,我认为能以一种新颖的问候方式或复习方式进入一节课,就能唤起学生的兴趣,使学生保持一种积极的学习状态,或循序渐进地导入所学的内容,那么可为这节课的成功打下基础,同时也能给自己适当的减压。)

t:i like travelling. i have been to dalian and many big cities. what about you?


step 2 presentation


t: have you been to an aquarium?

yes,i have.

t: have you been to a water park?

no,i haven't.







2、能够指认或说出动物,食物和颜色的英文名称。it’s a dog. 3、尝试应用句型进行交流:what do you like? i like...


1、能够主动使用英文进行表述;i like ice cream.



歌曲do you like ice cream,clean up song,动物卡片、颜色卡片、食物卡片、sticker小贴纸,积分挂卡。


1、问候、热身greetings and warm up:t(teacher): hello. good morning.

k(kids): hello,teacher. t: how are you, today?

k: i’m fine, thank you. i’m ok.

t: can you show me your happy/sad/super face? are you happy? k: yes, i am happy. no, i am sad.

t: good. let’s sing a song. are you ready?

k: yes, i am ready.

2、复习,评估assessment 1:

animals—cover and find

t: what is this? is this a/an…? k: it’s a cat. no. it’s a dog.

t: wee wee wee. i can’t find my dog? do you know where is it? can you find it? please pat and say.

k: it’s a dog.

t: good job. give me five.

colors—point and find

t: what color is it?

k: it’s red. it’s blue.

t: can you point to the yellow card? k: it’s yellow.

t: who can find a pink toy and put it on the card.

k: let me try. food—yes or no t: what is this?

k: this is a hamburger. t: do you like…?

k: yes, i do. no, i don’t. 3、游戏stickers time说明explain:

kids answer the questions and get a sticker each time.每次主动回答对问题小朋友都能得到一个sticker。

t: what do you like? k: i like ...

foodanimalscolors 4、练习practice:

助教分别摆放三处桌子,上面摆放食物、动物和颜色图卡,提问幼儿:what do you like?回答对了,直接将sticker贴到孩子的挂卡上,并鼓励孩子尽量多回答。

t: what do you like? k: i like red.

t: what do you like? k: i like hamburger. t: what do you like? k: i like cat.

5、评估小结 assessment 2:

t: wow. you’re so great. raise your cards,please.let’s count how many stickers do you have.

k: one, tow, three, four, five, six...

t: that’s wonderful. everybody gives me a high five.


t: let’s sing a song to end our class.

-clean up, clean up. everybody! let’s clean

up.clean up, clean up. put your things away.





















1、单词 hospital. post office.

2、句型where to? go to……






1、挂图[park zoo hospital post office]

2、卡片[park zoo hospital post office]



1、post office的发音。





t: what s this?

c: park.

t: what s this?

c: zoo.

[新单词] 出示挂图



t: hospital c: hospital

t: go to hospital. c: go to hospital.



t: post office c: post office

t: go to post office. c: go to post office.






两位老师情景对话“ where to? ”

“ go to …… ”

t: 刚才听到什么?看到什么?



t: where to? c: go to park.

t: where to? c: go to hospital.

t: where to? c: go to zoo.

t: where to? c: go to post office.




交代游戏规则:司机问:where to? 乘客答: go to……招手上车,到站下车。{游戏最后请小朋友当司机,以对话为主,自由进行。}






2、句型:what’s your favourite season?



2.favourite 单词的读音和拼写。










教师播放四年级下册第四单元的歌谣,引导学生边说,边打节奏,引导学生表演出形容天气的单词 cold,warm,cool,hot。

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)



教师提问:what’s the weather like today? is it cold? 学生根据实际做答:no , it’s warm.引出新词汇spring,并询问学生,哪个季节最寒冷,which season is cold? 引出词汇season,winter,询问学生,还知道哪些季节?do you know another seasons? 引导学生说出自己知道的季节。




活动四:说一说(let’s learn)


教师再次展示表示四个季节的图片,询问学生what’s your favourite season? 学生根据实际情况回答,并进一步陈述原因 “spring, it’s warm and sunny.”接着教师板书主句型,指导学生认读。最后教师播放配套课件,学生观看,跟读句子。教师注意强调favourite的读音,并进行小组问答练习。



教师询问:what’s the weather like in spring?学生回答,通过师生问答为学生做示范。(spring is very warm. the leaves are green. we can see many flowers in spring. )


(三)趣味操练 (practice)






教师将let’s find out 中的图片发给学生,让孩子画出自己最喜欢的季节里的树,并到同学中进行调查,发现其他同学画的内容。

(四)巩固和扩展(consolidation and extension)





教学重点:听懂,会说which season do you like best?并能结合句型展开深入的对话。

教学难点:用i can 的句型说出喜欢的原因。





4.let’s sing歌曲录音。











教师播放本单元中let’s sing中的歌曲,孩子们边听边唱边演。

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)



教师在黑板上写下班中随意三个同学的名字,然后将表示季节的单词卡贴在黑板上。教师和“榜上有名”的三个同学分别进行what’s your favourite season?的对话。全班同学听完后,共同完成连线活动。



教师提问what’s your favourite season? 学生根据实际做答(winter.)。教师询问:why? 学生结合实际回答 (i can play snow.)。教师询问1-2名学生后,将句型变为“which season do you like best?”并引导学生回答。教师板书句型,示意学生将此句型和what’s your favourite season?进行比较。最后,教师带读,学生跟读。



教师播放let’s talk部分的录音,提问学生:how many people in this dialogue? who are they?which season does mike /zhang like best?why?


(三)趣味操练 (practice)



学生在规定的时间里运用本课新句型which season do you like best?完成对五个以上同学的调查,并要求回答的同学对季节气候进行描述。



学生两人一组互相询问:which season do you like best? 然后同时说出答案,答案一样的两人成为朋友,不一样的学生再重新开始游戏。

(四)巩固和扩展(consolidation and extension)




unit 1 leon 3

part a lets say, lets chant part c culture

teaching aims :

1.be able to listen, say, recognize the words: apple, ant, boy, bag, coke, coffee.

2.be able to listen, say, read and write these three letters: a a; b b; c c

3.through the chant review the letters of abc, train a sense of group identity.

focus points

difficult points :

read the letters: big letter c, small letter c; write down them correctly and handsomely.

teaching preparation:

1.letter cards ,some word pictures, word cards: apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake coke coffee bag ball

2.a little blackboard with four-line format and a ball.

designing for the blackboard:

panda beaver eagle kangaroo (pictures)

china canada america australia (words)

teaching steps:

step1.warm –up

1.sing a song.

2.free talk

t: hello.im wendy.im from hangzhou.

s1: hello! im 。.。im from hangzhou,too.

t: nice to meet you.

s: nice to meet you, too.

t: lets play.ok?

s: great!

t: watch out! (t throws the ball.)

s: oh, no.

make a similar dialogue with your partner.


1.1)t : today, we will learn letters.do you know letters? just as a,b,c…… they are letters.whats the meaning of letters?

s: 字母。

t: great! a is the first letter.( t shows letter a.)

t: a a↗↘ s: a a↗↘

t: this is big letter a.大写字母a。

t: big letter a.s: big letter a.

t: lets make a big letter a.(with the hands)

run two trains: big letter a.(with the hands)

t: this is small letter a.

t: small letter a s: small letter a.

t: look at this girls head.its a small letter a.

小a, 小a, 小翘辫。

run two trains: big letter a, small letter a.

2)。t draws an apple: whats this?

s: its an apple.

t draws an ant beside the apple: whats this?

s: its an ant.

t: a for ant, / /,/ /, / /。

a for apple, / /, / /, / /。

2.teach b b, c c like above.

pay attention to the pronunciation of c.

use right hand to make a c.

b for boy, /b/,/b/,/b/。

b for bag, /b/,/b/,/b/。

c for coke, /k/,/k/,/k/。

c for coffee, /k/,/k/,/k/。

step 3.practise.

1.game: find out the letters weve just learned.

apple boy eraser ant crayon body head cake coke coffee bag


read as: apple, no.1 small letter a.

2.1) t: youre so smart.you can read , lets write them down.

look at the blackboard.

t: first, lets write down big letter a.one, two, , lets try together.show me your finger.

s: my finger.

t ss: one, two, three.

t teaches the writing of small letter a.

2) t: everyone has his home.where is as home?

here it is.(t points at the four-line format.)

t: this is letters home.this is the first floor.then the second floor and the third floor.big letters a lives in the second and third floor.

lets write down it.show me your finger.

s: my finger.


ss: one, two, three.

t teaches the writing of small letter a in the four-line format.

write them on your exercise book.

teach the writing of bb, cc.

3.lets chant.

1) read after t.

2) say with the tape.

3) say by yourself.


t writes down:3.8

t: march 8th is womens day.


t: on that day, you should say “happy womens day” to your mother.you also can pour a cup of tea, then say “ have some tea, mom.”

ts act like mother and son/ daughter.

s:e in, please.

s: happy womens day!

t:, sit down , please.

have some tea.

t: thank you.my dear daughter.


1)-kplete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.

2) make letter cards of a\\b\\c.

think it over:

goood moring, i'm glad to interpret my leon here 。the leon plan i am going to talk about is part a let's learn of unit1 pep primary english book7.i will explain how to teach and the reason for doing this from following aspects.

Ⅰ analysis of the teaching content.

Ⅱ ways of teaching and learning 。

Ⅲ teaching procedures

Ⅳ blackboard design

v aement

now lets focus on the analysis of teaching content.it can be divided into 3 parts as followed: the status and the function, the teaching objectives , the main points and difficult points, ill talk about it one by one.

this leon is the first leon of unit 1, book7 。it includes two parts: lets learn and lets play.in section 1, it mainly deals with these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway.and in section 2, it provides a game for the ss to prastise the patterns: how do you go to…? and the answer: i go… by.。/ on foot.

our students have already known some vehicles in the daily life.its not difficult for them to understand and use these words 。if students can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of this unit.so, i set the following aims:

the first is language objeake sure that students can read, recognize and use these key phrases :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully.

the next is ability objectives

(1) to develop ss abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) to train the ss ability of working in groups.

moral objectives

(1)to help students know some vehicles and comprehend the traffic rules

(2) to foster ss consciousne of good co-operation and proper competition.

the main points and difficult points about this leon is:

(1) to make sure that ss can use these key phrases correctly and skillfully.

(2) to enable ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3) to develop ss interest in english.

difficult points

to help the ss ask and answer the question “how do you go to…?

part Ⅱways of teaching and learning

as we all know: the main instructional aims of learning english in primary school is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the english language.so in this leon ill mainly use “task-based” teaching method.that is to say, i will let the ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey”how do you go to school?” to help ss to get a better understanding of the key phrases.i will arrange these activities: gueing game, finishing a survey and having a competition.and in this leon a recorder, cai, will be needed.

partⅢ teaching procedures

ill finish this leon in five steps.

step1 lead--in activities

i will begin my cla with drawing and gueing game, just like this : i show students some vehicles such as bike ,bus ,jeep which they learned before by stick figures and ask them gue whats it.

purpose: it is important to form a better english learning surrounding for the ss by gueing game.and at the same time it provides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

step2 prestentation

now ill mainly talk about this step.

1、first there is a free talk between t and ss.for example: i show many pictures of beautiful cities and ask students some questions, such as do you like this city?where do you want to go ?and help ss to answer them with by train ,by plane,by ship.

by the way, i show the picture of a school, and say“ i go to schiool by bus” ,ss read this sentence.do the actions and ask how do you go to school?,show many pictures of tools such as ,on foot by bike ,by bus to help students answer my question one by one.

to present the key structures one by one is much easier for the ss to learn and grasp the meanings.

2 with the help of the cai i set a situation to help ss understand the way of using these key phrases:

a boy is coming, who is going to school.he says: i go to school by…then play the sounds of bus, bike ask students to listen carefully and tell “i go to school by… according to the different sounds, by the way , i present another new phrases:by subway

purpose:make ss use these new phrases with sentence structures, to help ss use the language in a real situation.

step3 practise

3 i order to make every student read these new phrases correctly, i design a drill in this step, i show cards as soon as poible ,students should read the words quickly and spell them.then i ask 'how do you go to school?'students answer i go to 。.。.。.also i will quicken the speed to ask 。

the purpose is to draw the whole students'attention to the spelling of the words

4 after this, i ask ss to do let's play

in fours.they use places cards and vehicle cards, ask and answer:how do you go to …? i go to … by…”

5, if ss can ask and answer expertly, i will ask them to make a short dialogue.

the purpose of this is to help students to learn those sentenses through a ture situation and make the dialogues in order to check if ss can ue these key prases、sentences structures skillfully

step 4 consolidation

let students do a survey about how do you go to school?and the table like this :write down names and tools another ss choose

task-based teaching method is used here to develop ss ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained.

step 5 homework

ask students to collect other kinds of transport tools through the library ,computer.

the purpose of this is to stimulate the interest of learning english and to wide the students'knowledge

step6 blackboard design

my blackboard design like this :on the left ishow the phrases:on foot,by bus.。.。.。.on the right there are many sentences:how do you go to school?i go to 。.。.。.

step 7 aement

due to the students'age ,i make every students work in cla through many activities in order to stimulate the students'interest and provide they a wide thinking room.i make students learn this leon very well through desiring scene statues

that's all,thank you for your listening !

unit 1 how do you go there?

period one

teaching contents: part a lets learn

lets play

teaching aims:

1.to enable the students to master the four skills phrases: on foot,by bike,by

bus,by train, by plane,by ship,by subway

2.to enable the students to ask about the ways of traffic with the following

sentence patterns: how do you go to school? or how do you go to

canada…?‖and answer with―i go by…‖

teachingaster the four skills phrases: by train, by plane, by subway, by ship, by bike,

on foot

teaching difficulty:

to differ ―subway‖ from―train‖

teaching municative approach

teaching aids:

1.word cards

2.tape recorder and tape

3.multi-media player

teaching procedure:


greeting: good morning , cla !

glad to meet you again.how are you?

what day is it? what ‗s the date?

whats the weather like today?


show a picture of bus

t: whats this? s: its a bus.t: i go to school by bus.how do you go to school? (show a picture of bike and help a student to answer with ―i go to school by bike.‖)

(in the same ways)teach ―by subway‖ and ―by train‖ ―by ship‖ ―by plane‖ ―on foot‖。

subway: it's an underground railway in a city.it travels very fast.we can see subway in hong kong, beijing, shanghai, gongzhou…

explain the differences between subway and train

pay attention to the pre.― by‖ ―on‖

3.play games

ask one s to the front and stick the word cards next to the phrases written on the bb when t read the new phrases quickly and the other ss put up their cards.the one who reflect fastest and correctly is the winner.

4.listen to the tape of part a lets learn and follow it.

pay attention to the tone and pronunciation

5.practice: lets play

t offer many places (the australia hong kong shanghai guangzhou the moon…) and traffic ways (by car/ taxi/ bus… on foot) ss practice with above places and ways in pairs:

a: how do you go to school?

b: i go to school on foot 。

encourage the ss to make up as many sentences as they can.

6.spelling competition

divide the cla into tow groups.show the pictures of traffic tools and ask ss to spell the phrases.the first one who puts up hand gets the chance to spell.the group spell out more phrases are the winners.


copy the new words and phrases

finish page1 of the ab


1、能够听、说、认、读单词rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable。 2.能在实际语境中运用句型:can i have some.。.please? sure.here you are.3.初步掌握句型:what would you like for dinner? i'd like some.。.重点:句型:can i have some „, please? sure.here you are. 单词:rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable难点:能够正确读单词vegetable。 教具准备:


2、教材相配套的教学录音带[第一册unit 5 let’s sing/a 和本册unit 5 let’s learn/3.学生准备一套有关食物、饮料的卡片。




1.sing a song

教师放录音[使用本套教材第一册unit 5, let’s sing/a部分],师生一起唱歌曲“let’

s have

a picnic today”。

2.listen and do


pour the water.

smell the coffee.

taste the tea.

show me the milk.

drink the juice.

cut the bread.

make the cake.

eat the hot dog.

show me the hamburger.

smell the chicken.

make the cake.

pa me the french fries.

(二)呈现新课 (presentation)

1、教师出示let’s learn部分的挂图,让学生说出图上食物和饮料的名称。教师指图,然后越指越快,学生要迅速地说出被指食物和饮料的名称。此项活动也可由学生轮流完成。


t: so many foods and drinks.i like hamburger.do you like it?

s: yes, i do./no, i don’t.

t: what do you like?

s: i like „

教师指着图片soup和vegetable问学生:do you like soup/vegetable?让学生两人??




3、教师做饥饿状:i’m hungry.can i have some rice, please? 让学生听懂之后,到黑板上取下相对应的图片给教师:sure.here you are.教师说:thank you.

4、让学生使用自己的学习卡片,模仿着来做这组对话。(可与let’s play部分相结


can i have some rice/ fish/beef/soup/noodles/vegetable, please?

sure.here you are.



7、教师指着黑板上的图片说: look! everything’s ready.i’d like some rice and

fish for dinner.

module6 unit1 can i have some sweets? 教学目标:

1、能听懂会说本课语 can i have some sweets/bread/fruit/biscuis? 2.能够用yes ,you can ,sorry ,you can`t.进行问答练习。 3.能自己请求需要一些东西,并作出正确的回答。

4、学生在游戏和歌曲中熟练运用交际用语的能力。提高学生的口语水平。 教学重难点:

重点:能听懂会说本课语言。can i have some sweets/bread/fruit/biscuits? 能够用yes,you can 。sorry,you can’t.进行问答练习。

难点:能够灵活运用本课的交际用语进行拓展交际。 教学准备:课件、磁带、图(卡)片。 课时安排:1课时 教学过程:

step1: warmer(热身)

1、老师课件播放歌曲《happy birthday to you》,师生边跳边唱英文生日歌曲。

(给学生创设一个愉悦的过生日的氛围,便于导入新课。) step2: lead in new cla(复习导入)

1、t: stop! please look here and answer my question.(师跳起来说:)“ can you jump high ?”

ss:(学生配合老师做出动作,并回答:)“yes , i can ”

t:(师做跳远的动作并说:)“can you jump far/run fast / run slowly?” ss: (学生边动作边说:)“yes , i can 。”

t:(然后师再做动作问:)“can i run fast ?”(故意做的很慢)ss:(帮助学生回答:)“ sorry , you can’t 。”

t:(然后师再做动作问:)“can i run fast ?”(故意做的很快)ss:(帮助学生回答:)“ yes, you can.”

t:today we’re going to learn module 9 unit 1 can i have some sweets?今天我们就来学习第九模块第一单元。(幻灯片出示课题。) please follow me.step3: 精讲


t:(出示一个装满sweets、bread、fruit、biscuits、cake的书包)“look , there are some things in the bag 。please gue 。what’s in it ? please gue.ss:(老师启发学生猜,) t:(学生猜到后,老师做出非常高兴的样子,打开书包看一看,说:)“let me see, oh, yes, some food, it’s very nice!”(教师点击鼠标出示许多糖果、面包、水果、饼干、蛋糕图片) t:“ here you are 。”(教师把学生猜到的物品送给学生。陆续让学生把书包中的东西都拿走。)

t:i had very few lunch this noon , so i’m very hungry.(手捂着肚子做出非常饿的样子,老师走到有食物的同学跟前说) t:“i’m very hungry。can i have some bread?” ss:(启发学生回答:)“sorry,you can’t。”

t:(老师听到后露出非常失望的表情,)“ oh! but i’m very hungry.” t:再走到拿有别的食品的同学跟前说:“i’m very hungry。can i have some biscuits?

ss: “sorry, you can’t。”

t:(老师听到后露出痛苦的表情说:)“oh! my dear i’m very very hungry.t:(再走到拿有别的食品的同学跟前说:) “i’m very hungry。can i have some sweets?

ss:(这时学生看到老师实在饿的不行了,就说:)“yes , you can。。here you are.”并把食品交给老师。

t:(老师做出吃的动作说:)“it’s very nice.thank you 。

2、图片呈现单词: sweets\\\\bread\\\\fruit\\\\biscuits\\\\cake\\\\soup t:i bring to you some beautiful pictures.look here and follow me.(老师点击鼠标出示单词图片)


①t(课件呈现一些糖果的图片,):what are they? ss:some sweets 。②t:(然后一点鼠标出示句子,)“ can i have some sweets? yes ,you can 。sorry ,you can’t.”

③t: this time, let’s play a game.此时设计一个传物游戏,师拿出一个小玩具,和学生一起边拍手读这个句子,边传这个小玩具,老师说:“stop” 小玩具在谁的手里,谁就站起来回答这个问题。

④ t:good! please look here, let’s ask and answer.(幻灯片出示相关句子,老师学生一起进行问答练习。)


t: do you know today is amy’s birthday, do you want to know what happened? open your books, let’s listen and point.t: listen again , let’s listen and say.〔在学习难点句子时,老师利用肢体语言帮助学生理解句意,“turn on the light 。”(做开灯的动作)“ i can’t see 。it’s very dark.”(双手伸出做摸的动作 ),师生共同边做动作边说这些句子。〕



t:now, please look here, let’s listen and sing.老师把小学音乐教科书中的《新年好》曲调录制在课件上,并和歌词同时播放,大意如下:

some soup some soup can i have some soup? some bread some bread can i have some bread? some sweats some sweats can i have some sweats? some cake some cake can i have some cake? t: let’s sing again.(反复唱几遍,直到学生掌握熟练为止。)


t:(老师让四个同学到前面来每人手里拿一张食物图画,老师过去问)“can i have some „?”

ss1:(被问的第一个学生说)“yes ,you can。然后把图片交给老师。ss1:(第一个同学去问下一个同学)“can i have some „?”

ss2: yes ,you can 。\\\\sorry ,you can’t.t:this time please look here,work in goups,understand! (学生四人一组看着大屏幕进行连锁式问答练习。最后让学生以小组为单位上台展示,并且发贴画鼓励表扬。集体拍手鼓励

step5:home work(家庭作业) 板书设计:module6 unit1 can i have some sweets? yes , you can。 sorry,you can’t 教学反思:本节课注重学生听,说,读的练习和强化,使学生更好的掌握知识和运用知识,但是课堂纪律把握不是很好。

module6unit2 happy halloween! 教学目标

1、能够听懂会说本单元的新单词today、halloween、come in、of course.并能灵活运用。




1、重点:句型 can i have some„? 及其回答yes, i can./ no, i can’t.的运用。

2、难点:能熟练运用本课的句型进行交际。 教学准备:万圣节相关材料,cd-rom.面具,黑布,袋子 课时安排:1课时 教学过程: step 1 warming up 1.greetings。 2.say then chant.can i have some soup? can i have some fruit? yes ,you can.yes,you can.and you can have some rice.they’re all very nice.3.小组展示,表演第一单元对话。 step 2 presentation

1、教师上课之前故意让一名同学上课迟到,老师就问同学们,where is„? 然后该生敲门,按老师提前告诉他的说: can i come in?然后老师回答:yes,of course.教师讲解其意思,并板书教读。利用排小火车游戏,练习巩固此句型。

2.boys and girls,do you know what day is june 1st?(children’s day) and we say happy children’s day. what day is september 10th?(teacher’s day) and we say happy teacher’s day what about october 31st?(halloween) (teach “halloween”), and we say happy halloween!(板书,教读) 3.do you know the origin of halloween? ss:(自由发言) 教师讲解,并将搜集到的有关万圣节图片呈现给学生,让学生进一步理解。

(总结)so it celebrates autumn harvest and it’s also a ceremony of the dead.2.t:now, let’s enjoy a performance.welcome! ss:(give a performance) t:oh, it’s wonderful.(ask one student)excuse me.what’s this in english? s:it’s a pumpkin lantern.t:(show a picture)look, it’s a pumpkin.(teach “pumpkin”) what’s in the pumpkin? there’s a “candle”) we can use them to make a pumpkin lantern.(teach “lantern”) t:(introduce) ss:(repeat “jack-o-lantern” several times) t:(ask one student)can you tell me what’s this in english? s:it’s a mask.t:look, here are some masks.(teach “mask”) (show the masks)it’s a dog /tiger mask.it’s a pig mask.3.t:if tomorrow we’ll have a halloween party.what do you need? please discu in groups.s:sweets/pumpkin/„ step3 new text 1.listen and point.2.listen again and repeat.3.practice with your groupers.4.act out the dialogue.(教师拿出黑布,面具作为学生扮演道具,看哪一组扮演的最像,哪一组获胜。) step4 production 课件再次出现日历 12月25日 上方写 christmas t: it’s dec.25th.it’s christmas.课件出现圣诞节的场景,树,老人等典型let’s have a christmas party.and we would like to buy things for it.look, there is a shop.what do you need? please discu with your partners.then you can act it out.给学生三分钟时间讨论,再上台表演。

step 5 homework 1.read activity1, act out with your parents.2.搜集西方其他传统节日习俗,下节课交流。 板书设计:module6unit2 happy halloween! 教学反思:这节课课堂气氛活跃,本课主要以文化学习为主,所以学生很积极踊跃,但是如果能较多的扩展一些其他节日文化就更好了。

module 7unit1

there is a horse in this photo.教学目标

1.can use “ there is /are” to talk about photos.2.the students learn and can listen, read , say and use the sentences: there is a girl in this photo.she’s riding a horse.i can’t see her face.there are twelve boys on the bike.3.pupils can actively participate in cla learning activities.教学重难点:

1.important points:ss can listen, read and say the sentences: there is a girl in this photo.she’s riding a horse.i can’t see her face.there are twelve boys on the bike.2.difficult points:can can listen, read , say and use the sentences: there is a girl in this photo.she’s riding a horse.i can’t see her face.there are twelve boys on the to describe the pictures or scene 教学准备

cd-rom, pictures,cards, courseware unit one there is a horse in this photo.课时安排:1课时 教学过程

step one:warm-up and lead-in.(about 5min) 1.greeting,then say the chant : “can i have some soup?” 2.show pictures: playing basketball, running, shipping, and so on.let’s do asking and answering like this: what is he/she doing? he is„(激活知识) 3.show the picture of the text 。(amy is riding a horse) get ss look at the picture and ask :what can you see?(help ss answer) 4.watch and listen to the cd-rom.(整体感知如何描述图画) 5.watch ,listen and reapeat.(学着说,并提醒学生注意模仿语音语调,感知今天要学的内容there is „的语用,为新课学习做铺垫) learn:horse 注意与house的区别,用图片进行比较。

step two:task presentation(about1min) 向班级推荐手抄报的图片,并用there is 。.in the photo.he/she is„描述自己推荐的图片。

step three:text learning(about15min) 1.play the cd- ss watch and listen and thinking :1)what are sam and amy talking about? 2.ss try to answer the question.(1,2整体感知课文)they talking about photos.3.sam, amy, daming are talking about photos.how are they talking about them? listen again(进一步感知课文) 4.show questions, listen and try to answer the questions 1)what’s in photo 1? 2) what’s in photo 2? 3) what’s in photo 3? 引导学生回答每个问题后连起来描述:there are talking about photos.there is „in photo 1„(板书there is a horse in this photo.there is a sheep in this photo.„) 5.try to say:there is a„ in/on/under/„ 6.listen and repeat.7.work in group: retell the text. step four: practise(about10min)

1、listen and say(p40 activty 3) 跟读模仿语音语调

2.look at the picture.(p40 a4),明确要求后,四人小组用there is„描述图片内容,共同完成任务。给学生三分钟练习,然后以小组为单位向全班展示。

3.finish ex 1,3,4(课堂活动用书),巩固所学知识

step five: task completion.(about 7min) t show some pictures, ss talk about them and choose one describe it: there is a„in this photo.she/he is„ 1.ss talk about the cla paper.

4、ss report.homework:

以小组为单位为班级手抄报准备图片 writing 板书设计:

module 7unit1

there is a horse in this photo.




































    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
