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nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after year. after four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all, disappointed.

with more graduates and less job vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they graduate from university. they may start take up anything they are interested in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. in this way, graduates will become more independent, imaginative and creative.

yet this process should be supported by our government. the government should provide special policies for these students, and when necessary, guide them onto a correct road.


recently, self-employment has become a popular idea among youngsters, college graduates in particular. owing to favorable policies, a large number of graduates launch their own business as the starting line of career. furthermore, some successful examples have already been reported in the newspapers and internet.


admittedly, there are several advantages for graduates to become self-employed. firstly, the current intense competition for jobs can be eased to a large extent. besides, it is apparent that young people can broaden their horizon in this process. even if unsuccessful, they can learn from their failure and enrich their experience. lastly, the hardship in self-employment enables graduates to be more diligent, which will be of tremendous benefits to their career in the society.


as modern college students, not only should we get a good command of professional knowledge, but also make a clear and reasonable plan for our future career. personally, i intend to establish my own business after graduation. i am convinced that being self-employed can contribute a lot to my personal development.



should college student be encouraged to start their own businessnowadays,more and more sounds support college students to start their own business. our government even offers some or conveniences to college students who want to start their own business.

i think there are several reasons can account for why our government to encourage college students to start their own business:first of all, it is a good way to help students adapt to the society. they can know how to make money in advance.what’s more,student will benifit from starting business,such as earning some extra money,accumulating

experience and so on.in addition,these policies can relieve the employment pressure and provide more jobs.besides the government ask to to take strengthen work in graduates’ employment.with more and more college students,college students are under the bigger pressure of employment.there is also a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses.but the potential of this business is great.

thus, i appreciate that our government provid opportunities to college students to start their own business.though it’s difficult for us to start own business,with so many

successful example we can handle it well.crisis accompanied by the opportunity.besides, we can test out theories by practising and prove our ability.and we can ease parents’ pressures in the economy.we can make full use of these policies to find a better job for us.to some extent,it can boost the economic development.i do regard the prospects of this project favourably.

to summarize,it can benefit the development of society and promote economic growth.


there are a lot of students choose to start their own business rather than after graduation to find work, the government is also very supportive of college students own business.

the government encourages the students to start the cause of the main reasons: first, it is to ease social employment pressure a good way. second, to encourage students to start business independently in many ways to help our national economic development.

the advantages of college students' self - employment are: firstly, entrepreneurship helps students to better understand books knowledge.. secondly, entrepreneurship can help students accumulate rich experience, which is very important for college students. finally, entrepreneurship can ease the burden on the family. in addition, the main drawbacks of the initiative is the work will delay learning.

on my personal believe that college students should do poineering work independently, because their own businesses can better exercise their own, enable us to get rich working experience and better use the knowledge you have learned.




那我们团队的热情所在就是为自己学校的同学们贡献自己所学的专业知识。 具体而言,因为xx大学是一所总体偏向理工人才培养的大学,会有比较多的理工科学生感觉资源的相对匮乏如果他们想去深入了解英语知识,提高日常口语水平。 我们作为外语学院的学生,有学习英语上的切身体会和经验,也很熟悉学校的外语学习资源的部署配置,因此在这种条件下,我们萌发了为那些苦于不知如何提高英语,找到优质资源的学生打造一本信息手册的创新念头。


在创新的过程中,最大的体会便是的的确确存在着大大小小的阻碍矛盾会不断地出现,打断我们创新计划的实现。 其中就包括小组的内部意见不一致,学校的实现层面的困难等等。 但是我们会越挫越勇,因为在自主创业方面,有许多成功人士。比如,联想集团老总,华为的创始人,他们的经验其实可以用几个简单的词来概括,即勤奋、坚持、创造力、情商、使命和机遇。从这些成功人士身上领悟到企业家或是创新人才所要具备的四要素:①积极主动的态度②拥有一定的专业知识③有信心④持之以恒。因此,对于现在大学生来说,勤奋和坚持是必不可少的。四年的大学生活中,我们要时刻保持对生活的期待与热情,对周围事物的好奇心,培养自己的创新意识,再从实践中获得培养自己创新能力的机会。

















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